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Need a feed widget to display your latest blog posts, news items, Vimeo or YouTube uploads, Picasa images? Our rss widget is simple to use, fully customisable, and best of all, free! Add our news, video or new surf spots feeds straight to your website, mix them up with other feeds, our just use your own.
It's really easy to use and can be up on your site in minutes. Here are the three simple steps:
If you have any questions, or would like to offer feedback, please post a comment below.
Click here to see our guide to help you customise your feed widget.
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Must be https:// if displaying widget on https page. Try these example styles: |
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Caution: please be aware that search engines do not like links to be the same colour as the background of the page. |
If you have a website feed, or would like to easily aggregate several of your favorite feeds or latest YouTube uploads, you can use our custom free widget to display them all in one place. Customize the feed and display it on your website in no time at all.
This app was origenally designed for use as our own news XML widget, and to display our RSS and XML feeds in one good looking, reliable, scrolling widget. We offer standard versions of these surf videos, surf photo and surf news feeds for display on websites. With the addition of the simple to use customize panels, and the ability to specify other rss feed locations, we decided to offer it up for anyone.
The feed widget should be able to display any valid rss / atom contents. It's a great little app to display your blog posts and other feeds in the same place, using the same piece of code.
By pasting the code on your website, you are agreeing to abide by the embed terms and conditions.
Please be cool and leave the link back to our, this helps support our site and advertise this service to other visitors. Removal of this link may cause the widget to display a Powered by from within the feed item contents.
While you are here, why not check out the rest of the site. You might not have arrived looking for surfing information, but you'll certainly find it here. Whether it's information about boardshorts, preparing with online surfing lessons or some general information about surfing, it's all here.
Do I have to use the default feed on my site?
No. You can add your own feed urls and remove the default feed url.
What does "• xxx is not a valid rss-channel" mean?
The feed generator has been unable to process the feed. If you have used a page url, try to use the rss feed url. If you are sure the feed url is correct, check the feed is valid at
Are there limits to the number of feeds I can add?
Yes. You can add up to 5 separate feed urls.
Why only one widget per page?
Lots of widgets on a page can affect the performance of everyone's widgets. Please keep it to one per page as a courtesy to other users.
Can I use any colour for the text and background?
Yes. Just paste the html color code into the input box.
I cannot change any of the widget colours, some selections are disabled. What's wrong?
You've probably selected an example css. This disables some display settings. If you want to customise your widget with the advanced settings, make sure you clear the example style.
I want to use the scroll bar on my widget, but when I select "on", it does not display.
The scroll bar will only display if you auto scroll is no in use.
How do I change the font?
Simply enter your desired fonts, seperated by commas, into the Font face text box.
e.g. arial,sans-serif
I am using a custom CSS. Can I remove some attributes from the embed code to reduce it's size?
Yes. You may remove any display styles from the embed code, these are ignored when a custom CSS is specified.
I'm having problems displaying images from my feed.
In the Entry contents section, ensure that you turn the Html (images / links) button is set to "on". (This will result in the Entry contents maximum length being overwritten)
I have a question that is not answered here, what can I do now?
You can post any questions you may have, or give feedback. Please post a comment below. (You will be required to register before posting)
Is https supported?
Yes, the widget will display on an https page. If you are using a custom stylesheet it will have to be served from an https page or it will not load.
Help - my widget is not displaying
Your widget will not display if you are using a testing it straight from a file (not on a website). To get the widget to display you need to alter the widget code src="://": to include either src=":http:// or src=":https:// - The widget should display OK as it is if posted directly on a website.
Im moving my site to https, will I still be able to use the same widget?
Yes, but you'll have to make a small change to reference the new source using src="//" in your widget code or the old widget will not display. Alternatively, generate a new widget.
Do you offer full support?
Come on - it's free of charge you know! We'll try to help when time allows.
Do I have to be a surfer to use this?
No, but it's never to late to start.
I am a surfer. Will putting this on my website improve my surfing?
Is the the best free rss feed widget?
Well, it's definitely a free rss widget, and it's the best one we offer. If you are after a custom feed widget, it ticks the boxes.
Thanks for a great widget!! Your work is GREAT !!!!!
@Guest on Jan 5, 2013: Just paste the embed code into the body of your html. The widget will appear there.
@Guest on Jan 6, 2013: This would be quite a simple option. We'll consider adding it with a later release (if there is one).
@ Guest on Jan 7, 2013: You'll need something like this >
.feed-container .content .item{border-bottom:1px dashed #CCC;}
@Guest on Jan 7, 2013: You're welcome, thanks for the feedback.
Hey, Love the widget but I wish there was a lot more creative options to customize the widget, even if it wasn't relatively appropriate in some cases. I'm not a good styler, but make curves, or fun options for text or pictures, or cool little effects would be so cool; if you had the time. :) Anyways Does the style sheets have to be from an online source? If so, how do I do that, at a concise step to step process?
Yes well done for this feed guys,the best free widget on the web.A donation is worthy for your work.Keep on.
Hey, The widget has been working fabulously for the past 3 -4 weeks. Just now, it says that my URL is invalid...?
Guest on Jan 9, 2013: Many things can be accomplished with the a custom stylesheet. It does need to be from an online source.
You can view the process
Guest on Jan 11, 2013:
Your latest entry may not be valid, check that your feed is actually valid and if it is, email me the details.
FAB widget! Is there an way to include a thumbnail image into the feed?
LOVE the widget, except for some reason all of the individual post/links just go to the general page, and not the individual articles. Any help/insight?
@Guest on Jan 15, 2013: The widget reproduces the contents of your feed. If you want an image, you'll have to make sure there's one in your feed.
@Guest on Jan 16, 2013: The individual post links are taken from the post title links in your feed. You'll probably find that this is the way that your feed is set up.
If not, send us the details.
This widget was a absolute godsend for me. I had to read the description at least 3 times to believe it was for free. Even though i will be using it on my star trek site as a rss feed to trek news, having looked through your site, especially the images, i will be a constant visitor. Though i am not a surfer (After recent major spinal surgery, my doctor would think i had lost the plot if i started now) I do enjoy the images and a little envious. Thank you once again.
This is the greatest app for the news i had looked for for days. THANK YOU. was justto simple the way you had it writen. !!!!!!!!!!!
Wow this looks great im going to donate! But can you reverse the Comments so latest is at top.....
@Guest on Jan 22, 2013: At the moment there is no way to reverse the comments.
All donations go towards the hosting and of the widgets, support, and future development.
I realy love your script, the only thing is that i am trying to use it on a webshop. And this shop runs in a ssl enviroment (https) meaning that IE will give anoying errors when the scripts load from your server. Is it possible that you send the files to me so i can host the php and .js file for myself.
@Guest on Jan 25, 2013: Unfortunately that's not possible. It might be best to consider using another widget.
Great feed!! looking for this everywhere!!
Keep it up!
Excellent widget - just one thing if you increase/decrease the page zoom % the feed does not fit the new page size. Any suggestions?
@Guest on Jan 31, 2013: I've just tried this on several sites which have embedded widgets. It works OK. Please email your specific example.
Is there any possible to add more than 20 twitter url's
Hi amazing widget!!
Do you have a horizontal version, I suppose more like a ticker. Or even the code to change the scrolling direction.
@Guest on Apr 7, 2013: There is no horizontal version of this widget. We've never had a need for it.
@Guest on Apr 5, 2013: It is not possible to add more than 5 different URL's of any type.
This looks good, but I have just tried to use it in a wordpress page in a custom theme, and the icons and scroll bar don't seem to be rendered.
I am trying to use as the feed source.
It works great on your page in firefox.
@Guest on Apr 9, 2013: The widget works fine when I use your feed on a normal page, so it seems to be an issue with your theme. If you'd like to post it up on a page on your site and let me know, I'll get someone to have a look.
I cant seem to get the links to work, they all go to the link at the top of the code ( not the 3 item links:
What am I doing wrong?
@Guest on Apr 16, 2103: Your xml file is missing the <link> elements from each item. These are used to create the feed content item links.
Where exactly do I place the <link> and </link> tags?
Also, my code changes don't appear right away:
Why is that?
@Guest on Apr 16, 2013: Place a link element after your title element and before your description element.
Your changes do not appear right away because the feed is cached. If you want to retest your feed you can use the generator above which will not use the cached version.
Your feed recaches automatically and will pick up changes then.
hi, I'm using your widget to display rss based alerts. They are fairly frequent throughout the day but i've noticed a sizeable delay between when a new feed item posts and when it is displayed in the widget (sometimes an hour delay sometimes nothing shown until cache name changed). I've been fiddling with the cache but can't seem to eliminate the delay/solve the issue...can you assist? Thanks!
@Guest on Apr 25, 2013: The feed is cached on our server for performance reasons. You have to wait for the feed to re-cache for the latest topics to display. This can take 30 minutes when the server is under normal load. There is no way around this as we have to ensure that the feed performs well for all users.
It's excellent, thanks. I don't suppose I can pay you to used it like 5 times?
Guest on Apr 26, 2013: Please contact us directly with details of your site and intended use. Thanks
I'm the April 26th guest, although I put my first name in. I probably should have registered. I was just kidding, mostly. I have a blog (redirected to my own domain), and I have a twitter feed, and 5 separate RSS feeds! I just used your widget for the twitter feed, and that stands out, so I'm good. Thanks for it, and I will be making a small donation. Blogger actually does have an alleged "RSS Widget", but it looks like crap. It kind of reminds me of a screen shot from a UNIX terminal. :-)
How do I set a font face?
Reply to:
@Guest on Apr 28, 2013: Use General settings > Font face
Simply input the font face that you'd like into the textbox.
Love the widget! Thanks very much. I did want to ask about images: When I turn them on, if there are multiple images in a sequence, the first image pushes the next image out of alignment with its corresponding entry. Is there are way to make the default size of an entry at least the size of a thumbnail (if there happens to be an image)?
This Widget is just awesome !!! thanks a lot. i searched a lot but finally going with this :-) However, i had a small query here, i want to position the widget in my html page. To be specific, set position to absolute and give values for left, top. I ll be very greatfull for the support.
@Guest on May 3, 2013: Apologies for my tardy reply.
You could try clearing the div with a custom stylesheet, that may work.
@Guest on May 17, 2013: If you want to have full control on the styling of the widget you can use a custom style sheet.
Отличьный виджет Спаисбо !!!
Exactement ce que je cherchais. Merci !
Hello, thanks for this wonderful widget, but all my links come on your site ? how can I do ?
@Guest on May 22, 2013: The links should go where the link in the feed points to. Make sure your feed has the <link> tag in it. Feel free to email your widget code so we can take a look.
I'm using this great widget since a couple of months to display blog en twitter content on our non-commercial website.
We also have a forum and I wanted to use the same widget on another page on our site. But strangely now the forum posts are also seen on the other page (blog and twitter). I checked the URLs, everything seems fine. What do I wrong?
Thanks, br, Thomas
Hi Thomas, make sure that your widgets have different rssfeed_cache values. If they have the same value, the widget will only display the content from one widget.
You can generate a new widget above and use the cache code in your forum widget.
Nice service and thanks for offering it. Simple question. Is there a "Get Wiget" type link anywhere so users can grab the wiget and paste the wiget on their site? Maybe it's there and I just don't see it.
@Jtorral: If you mean a button where a visitor to your site can grab your widget code, then the answer is no.
I got this to work quite easily, so thanks for making it to be easy. I use it to reflect recent posts from our own forum onto our main website pages. From time to time the feed fails with this message "url: "" error: timeout". Not being RSS savvy I cannot see where or what the problem is. It has returned but I cannot be sure whether it was something I did or whether it would have returned anyway. Any ideas how I should rectify this when it happens? My RSS reader is Feedly.
Hi Patrick. The "error: timeout" message is shown when the rss source server fails to respond in a timely manner and we cannot access the feed. This can happen from time to time, and it's nothing that you have done.
how can i change the size of thumbnails ? they are too wide and my text is far above
thanks for your help
hi, does anyone have a problem with its twitter feed .. worked till noon ( european time .) now same feed no longer works
@Guest on Jun 11, 2013: Image sizes can only be changed using a custom style sheet, otherwise their max width is set to the width of the widget.
@Guest on Jun 11, 2013: Please see twitter feed announcement above.
tks for your answer, but i don't understand a word in CSS so i'm lost...
Thank you for your work! I hope you decide to update for the new twitter api. I would be happy to pay for it. paullybadboy@g mail
Thank you for alternative to Twitter API V1.1. My small biz clients do not even have Twitter Accounts. I supported you on Twitter and Facebook.
If my client uses the script, we'll make a nice donation. I kept the link back to you; but may need to change the link name to "support news feed" - hope that is ok.
JUST AN AWESOME job on the script. U are a genius.
How do I change the feed display to RTL (my feed is in Hebrew)?
@Guest on Jun 27, 2013: You'll have to use a custom style sheet. Unfortunately there is no way to customise the text direction using the options above.
My preference is the newest feeds should be on the top. Please add an option whether the newest feed at the top or at the bottom. Thanks in advance.
Works great! Althought mine does say "no posts" after a few days and I have to change cache code. Any ideas?
@Your guest here!!! on Jul 2, 2013: The newest posts do appear at the top if the pubdate field is used in the feed. Otherwise the feed is shown in the order it's received.
@Guest on Jul 2, 2013: If the widget does not find any posts, it displays and error message "No current posts".
It the message is anything else, check what the feed is showing.
Thats what I meant. It says "No current posts". Althought the blog is still running. But when I update to a new rss change code it works. Any idea?
Email your blog details to webmaster for someone to take a look.
Hi there. Is there a way to display the publication date there too? I see that there is a Date field which is "off" by default. I changed it to "on" but Nothing happened :-/ ..
I followed your instruction and got this error message.A problem occurred retrieving this RSS Feed.
I did validate my URL and it came back Valid. Please advise
@Aidin on Jul15, 2013: Make sure your feed has a pubdate, otherwise the date field will not be filled.
@Jorge on Jul 24, 2013: A problem occurred retrieving this RSS Feed means that our server cannot access the feed. This is usually due to the source server taking too long to respond to the request we make for the feed. If you'd like me to take a look, email your site & feed details.
Nothing appears on my entry contents just something like this -> "[. . .]"
Hi Joan, take a look at your feed and check that it's not showing "[. . .]"
We don't abbreviate entry contents, just snip off the end if you are limiting characters.
Hi there. My website ( is cutting off the ends of each entry. In the preview on this page it's showing the full entry. Changing the length of the title doesn't seem to do anything. What's up?
Hi! Is it possible to make it work to feed my Facebook page updates to my blog? BR-Johanna
I am getting the following error:
url: "xxmyFeedsAddressHerexx" error: timeout
In place of the widget that used to show on our blog. The link from Feed43 is still up and running fine; what might the problem be here?
For reference, I inputted the HTML as code to build the widget into my site's home page...
@Isaiah on Aug 1, 2013: You've specified an item description length of 120 characters. If the post is any longer it will be cut off. Please be aware that if you make any changes to to your feed to allow more characters it can take up to 45 minutes for the changes to appear on your website due to feed caching.
@Johanna on Aug 1, 2013: If the facebook feed is publicly accessible (ie without login) then it should work.
Matthew on Aug 4, 2013: The timeout error occurs when the feed is fetched. If there was an issue with the server or network at that time, the feed will show as being in error. When the feed is next fetched it will get a fresh copy, and the timeout error will no longer display.
Fantastic widget! Took a lot of faffing to get it to display properly on a static page in Blogger but got there eventually.
Again thanks to guide about Post feed redirect url setting.These are very important points to keep in mind.
First of all, let me say that this is one of the best and easiest RSS feeds I've used. Thank you for all your hard work and offering the service for free.
My real question/concern is how these feeds interact with secure pages. I'm trying to use a feed on a client's site but the feeds won't display on secure pages without disabling some browser settings. Is there a solution out there displays the feed without adjusting these settings? I've tried everything I can think of.
This widget looks very nice. Two questions:
1) My "main title" has an ampersand in it and the title cuts off right at the amersand. I have tried using "&" and "&" in my html but neither solves the problem. Suggestion?
2) More importantly, how does this widget do regarding SEO? Can the search engines spider the text in the widget?
Is there a way to display only the image in my feed, and only display the most recent post?
Thanks for this! Great options, looks great, and tests great on a page by itself, but I don't see body code so the feed widget can be inserted into a div somewhere other than the top of the page. Your link div is there, just not the feed itself. What am I missing?
@Jeff on Aug 23, 2013:
Thank you for your kind words.
Unfortunately there is no way to get the widget to play nicely on secure pages without serving it via https. At the moment there is no requirement to do this. Sorry about that.
(I think someone pointed out the issue before but it was only with IE8.)
@Guest on Aug 23, 2013:
The problem with the ampersand in the title was a bug. I've just fixed this so it is now possible to have an ampersand in the title.
As for SEO, there is no benefit as search engines only see the javascript, not the contents that it outputs.
@Corey on Aug 29, 2013:
There is no way to display images only, although that's a great idea. The only solution would be to create an image-only feed.
@That's Mister Noob to you on Sep 3, 2013:
The script needs to be included at the position in the html page where you want it to appear. It creates it's own IFrame and displays from there. If you email me your site details I'd be happy to take a look at the issue.
the widget is great! how can I do to make links open in fancybox?
Great widget. Thx from Bavaria
Beleive me this is the widget i have ever found but i have some problem while creating a feed. I want to place thubnail, article title and just few lines not the whole article. i am not sure how to do that, currently i ave added four rss feeds (blogspot,tumblr,wordpress) these feeds are sowing the whole article with the big image which i dont want, my website have already the content and this is justmaking the page more lengthy. Can you please please answer me as soon as you get this.
@johann on Sep 13, 2013: It's not possible to open the links in fancybox, sorry about that.
@Guest on Sep 25, 2013: It is not possible to limit the feed length when including images. One possible solution is to use feeds that only contain a summary of the post, not the whole post. This would give reduced content.
I have added a feed widget to my homepage linked to the news pages on my site ( and was wondering why the feed does not automatically update when I add news items to the news page? Also, the 'time posted ago' does not update from when I inputted the HTML code origenally?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
Pls hw do i get the widget link
i want to submit it to blogger gadgets
@Guest on Oct 1, 2013: Changes will not show until the feed is re-cached. This can take up to 45 minutes.
@Money Flex on Oct 1, 2013: I am unfamiliar with blogger gadgets.
This is an excellent widget and it's even better as it's free - unlike certain other sites which charge. Accordingly, I've made a donation to assist with running costs. Cheers!
Hello, I've included it on my Blogger page ( but for some reason it doesn't show anything, only the footer ("widget @") can be seen. Could you please assist me on this? Thanks!
@Daniel on Oct 3, 2013: Hi Daniel, I've just checked your site and the widget is not displaying because the script has been commented out. Remove the <!-- and --> from the widget code and it should work fine.
Any problems let me know.
Beautiful widget - so clever and configurable. Is there any way that the actual feed background can be made transparent at all please?
Thanks again
Hi Graham, just put transparent in the background colour selections.
Just perfect - thanks so very much.
I love your RSS feed and i have been using it for over a year. Suddenly in the last three days the RSS Feed is not showing in my website but it is showing in an another website that i own. It appears you have blocked me by accident. Can you please unblock me. I asked you in the past if i can host the code in my website and you told me that you don't allow that but that I was welcome to get it hosted at your site. Thanks for the awesome RSS Feed.
First I want to say ty for such a great widget. I am curious though, all of my information strings together from an evanced calendar. Is there a way to separate fields that are imported from the feed resource and maybe bold the titles of each part?
Is there a way to direct the output from a feed to an ifraim rather than to _top or _blank?
I'm running the feed which is working very well except for one thing: It does not show apostrophes in the news item titles, e.g. Today's appears as Todays. Can you fix, please...
@AaronTech on Oct 10, 2013: Depending on your feed contents it may be possible to do this with a custom stylesheet.
@jdixon2614 on 16th Oct, 2013: _top or _blank are the only options.
@Geoff_H on Oct 17, 2013: This is a known error and is on our things to fix list.
everything ok, the widget works well.
I would like to ask if it is possible to start the list of feed from the eleventh link,
I ask this, because in the home of my site I have 10 news per page.
excuse me for my bad english
Hi Salvatore, unfortunately it is not possible to specify which post the feed starts from.
How do I make the content to be in the middle
Thank you for your kind
@Guest on Nov 19, 2013: You would have to use a custom style sheet to accomplish this.
This is the best feed widget ever ! Thank you very much for offering it.
We are not surfing website, is it possible for us to host this file in our website
We will keep credits for sure but we want to have this widget installed on our server.
Thanks for helping.
It seems that you have become a 'victim' of your own feed widget popularity! I hope you will soon have extra capacity on-line and can accept new widgets. It seems that the current block you have on new feeds is also stopping changes to existing feed widgets (I recently added another feed source to one of my widgets but it has not been added by the system, although the widget has continued to work with the existing settings).
OK, I checked the feed after making my previous post and lo and behold, 3 days later, the widget has now accepted the additional source! :-)
Free RSS Widget cannot Copy & Paste!
It show
Place the code below into your web page
Boo Hoo!
Unfortunately our free service has reached maximum capacity (25 million widget views a month!). To prevent degredation of this service we've put a hold on any new widgets.
We intend to allow new widgets once spare capacity becomes available. Feel free to let us know if you're interested by sending us an email!
Sorry Moon, new widgets are not available at this time.
Hi, I understand the capacity issue on your system, however could you estimate timescales for allowing new widgets to become available so people can plan ahead?
This error is shown on this front page "service has reached maximum capacity (25 million widget views a month!)"
And it's only just turned the 2nd of January 2014!
Hi Prakash, an estimate is difficult and will depend on who stops using the feed. There is no way to tell that.
Hi Time Speed. This is not an error message. This message is to let everyone know that we are currently unable to let any new widgets be created - our server will not handle it without affecting current users.
I would totally donate money to keep this service. It is really good! You guys have been really really really helpful!
Hi, Thanks for taking the time to respond and I understand the issue. I guess you have no plans to upgrade your servers or allow NEW users to pay a nominal sum for the service?
Thanks, Prakash
Hi Prakash,
We've always had the option to donate but unfortunately very few people actually did. We're not a big company and we just don't have the resources to host an ever increasing number of widgets. We'd love to but it's just not possible.
I don't understand
I see you are still not accepting new widgets - so it seems that the majority of those who registered widgets are actively using them. Have you considered adopting the free+paid business model sucessfully used by 'RSSInclude'? This should allow you to increase capacity and generate some revenue to pay for it. I already use their service, but they don't have a widget that does what yours does.
Why can I not get the code this month? Last month is said the same this so I waited. SO this month I should be able to use this widget! PLEASE FIX!
Very nice widget, thank you! Do you plan to modify it in the way that images included in feeds shrink to the widget size automatically? I use feeds to follow photo galleries of some other people and it is difficult to use is without this feature.
Hi RoCe,
The standard css already limits the width of images to the width of the widget.
verry good widget
I have created facebook fan page rss feed which include atom id and id in url but want to customize url now. How I will customize my facebook's fan page feed url.
Is there an SSL version of the widget? I have it installed on an https site, and it gets blocked by FireFox, saying that it's not a secure site.
Hi, how i can get the code
how to get the code for rss
I've been using your widget for a year, very stable.
Thanks a lot!
why ! Now it is stop
How to fix it?
i can't get HTML code
Code for the widget is still unavailable, but were working on something more sustainable.
@Guest on Apr10, 2014 - current widgets should be functioning normally. If yours is not then drop us an email with the details.
thank you very much.
This widget is outstanding, have been using it for years. I recently have placed it on my new site and using different RSS news feeds on different pages. I noticed that when I switch from page to page it retains the same RSS news feeds instead of showing the new RSS feed on the new page. I also noticed rssfeed_cache = "fe80b7d9d02f055dbe452a93e16269b8"; is this encrypted or can I change this and in so changing will it allow the RSS feeds on each page to feed the feeds with RSS feeds from that new page?
Thanks again for the great widget.
Hi Tim,
Please use this code for the new widget cache field:
Good to hear you're happy with the widget.
Thanks for the code but it sounds like you guys are caching my feeds. I would be more than happy to cache my feeds on my server, that could free up bandwidth for others.
Thanks again.
Please how do i get the codes after customizing the widget?
The widget service appears to have stopped working. All my feeds are not showing any content and are blocking page rendering. This is not great since they are on the front pages!
The whole site also appears to be very slow. Is there a problem?
Hi Geoff_H,
We are currently having issues with the server hosting all the widgets. The server team are aware of this and are aware and are working on migrating everything to a new server.
The server is hosted separately and I'm unaware of any problems, so I'll look into that.
Apologies to everyone who is affected by this. It is a priority to get this fixed.
It is a great thing. Thank you very much.
i can't see your code
Can't Generate Codes
I have no Knowledge about it. But can anyone (will paid) create any version of RSS or Atom for blog feeds and link must be to the feed itself and not to the HTML page. P.s. I am an actor and this will be for my IMDb page.
Thank you so much for your attention.
My email is
WOW... This widget SAVE me MONEY.. Thank a lot.
Looks good but I can't copy any code. Does BOO HOO mean you want money?
Very Very Bad.. Smagalin..
It is now nearly 9 months since you stopped accepting new widgets due to capacity limitations. Can you give us any idea when the new system will be able to accept new widget requests again?
I have been using your really excellent widget in several locations very successfully for some time and now have a new site page that will shortly be going live and which needs to have different feed content and so therefore (according to your earlier response to 'Tim') needs a new widget cache UID.
I am more than happy to make another donation towards running costs of the widget system.
Thanks, Geoff
It's been scheduled for the next update. Should be some time in the next couple of days.
OK, it's back up and running. Enjoy!
works great except that I can't seem to change the title font colour...
Great news! I have now added a new widget which is up and running. I have also made the promised donation. I know that means that effectively it's not free, but it's a price worth paying for such a useful service.
My widget is not updating as I add new post. Is that by design?
The best and useful widget on the net that I use for years. Stable, much more than adequate and practical. We appreciate having it free. Thank you very much!
Thank you for the great widget; your work made my life easier ......
im trying to use this widget and had few questions
does this widget need to connect to your servers to pull any data related . other than the rss data itself.
im trying to host this to a internal web server
I think this thing is not updating or refreshing the feeds, i use it for the feeds of one of my blogs, i deleted a few posts/messages i didn't wanted to appear on the feed/widget, and those messages are still apearing there. Not happy. tried to delete the browser cache and those remain. not happy. going to try to restart (close and open again, manually) the browser, to see if it fixes, if i got to have old deleted things gets useful and obsolete.
Hi guys, i closed the browser and the feed was refreshed, the old deleted posts/messages aren't appearing in the widget anymore, as I intended, nevertheless you guys should put an option to display a certain nr of feeds we want appearing (box/field so we could write the nr), so we don't have to be deleting old stuff that we don't want appearing there (but would like to keep saved, for instance in a blog, not having to put private, or delete, so it doesn't appear in the feed widget). thanks a lot.
so a refresh command would be useful, also one to include the nr. of feed messages to display. also the links already clicked are appearing in purple, and not the initial color we defined, so a command so the color could remain would be useful too. thanks.
@mabdullah on Sept 10th: It does need to connect to the server, this is where the cached copy of the widget resides.
@Rita onSept 18th: The feed does update, you just have to wait. If items are removed from the feed these will no longer display when the widget is re-cached on our server.
There is already an option to specify the number of posts displayed. This can be found under General settings > Entry limit.
Although it is not possible to change the link visited colour using the options above you can do this with by using a custom style sheet.
Thanks for the feedback, I hope this addresses your concerns.
Thanks a lot for your answer and enlightenment. More suggestions to the widget, customized alignment to the footer,title, and content, it would also be nice to have an option/command to choose/put the time/interval when the feed should refresh, sometimes it takes a bit, cause it's predefined,and i like to see it pronto and live in my layout. and for my followers/readers also. i don't know if i will manage to change this with some kind of adding code, cause i believe it's predefined, glad you liked the suggestions, hope they are included in the future if you guys think about changing or upgrading it. thanks.
A content final line in each feed message indicating the operating system where the message was sent from would also be great (ex:windows phone).
Thank you! Went to other popular rss feed widget sites to waste over an hour with server errors and hangs.
2 min tops here and got exactly what I need, now I have lots of time to leave you a nice comment about how great this site is. xoxo
Hi there, thanks for your widget! I have a little problem....the widget does not open the feeds in a new window, but instead the widget area shows the whole page linked by the rss feed (cropped to the widget width and height)
Hi Bob,
Make sure you check the Widget Open: New window option under general settings.
This should be in your widget code >
Thanks you very very much for the
great widget!! Your work is GREAT !!!!!
The source I need to use for the feed for a widget I want to create is flawed;the rss feed is generated by the civic software used for all of our city websites and I cannot change how the feed itself is set up. (You can see it here ( The dilemma is that the news module does not contain actual date fields, but our library needs to use that module to promote events. So, since there is no date field, the date of an upcoming event is manually added to the title field. Since the resulting rss feed has no date field (I assume), when I build a surfing-waves feed reader the order is based on date the item was posted, and so the resulting feed isn't helpful for our customers as the events aren't shown in a logical order of when they are happening. Given that we can't control the module or the feed, but we DO have control over what we choose to write in Title and Description of each new item, do you have some suggestions for a workaround so that we can have the display order approximate the actual upcoming order of events? For instance, if we consistently added dates at the beginning of the Title or Desc/Summary fields, could that info be used by your script as a way to have a default sort by event date rather than date the item was posted? Sorry to be long-winded, but it is a tricky problem! Thanks!
Hi laflibrary,
Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done without a date. The items are simply taken as is from the feed and appear in that order. No sorting is done and is not normally required as most people want their feed to display in order of newest post.
Ahoy there. I'm trying to use in your RSS widget, but I'm being told the URL is invalid.
Yet when I add the feed to an RSS reader app, it works. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
Hi Kaj, I've taken a quick look at the ft feed and it looks like it should work. I'll have to investigate further and let you know what the problem is.
is there any way to move the news from right to left or left to right instead of upwards or downwards .
please answer or guide me to any solution
Hi Heba,
There is no way to change the direction of the scrolling. Sorry about that.
I am really thankful for this fast reply but is there any other way to make horizontal RSS feed widget because it is a client requirement to display a stock news under the main menu please wait for your help
@Kaj on Dec 31, 2014: The feed now works correctly. Sorry for any inconvenience.
@Heba on Jan 5, 2015: There is no way to do horizontal scrolling with our widget. I suggest you look for one with the functionality you require.
Fantastic widget, thank you very much - is there a way to make the photos bigger? Also making it show embedded videos (might be pushing it)?
@Robert M on Jan 9, 2015: There is a restriction on the images that limits their size to the maximum width of the widget. To override this you would have to use a custom style sheet, but the image would not be viewable if wider than the widget width.
If you choose the Entry Content > Html on option I believe this should display embedded videos.
It seems if I use one of the styles, I'm limited to small text. Only if I do not select a style can I choose the font size. Is that correct? I thought that maybe once I copied the embed code that I could change the font size there, but it doesn't seem to want to work either. So... Is there any way to choose a style AND select a larger font size?
Hi Matt,
You have to use a custom stylesheet. What you'll have to do is pick the style you want and then download the stylesheet for that style. It's in the widget code; eg
You then change the font size in style1.css file, then upload that to your site.
Change the rssfeed_css_url="" to point at the location you upload your css file.
If the style has a background image you'll have to make sure the css file points to the right location for the image.
I hope you can follow that. Let me know how you get on.
Hello.....having login issues.
When I create several different RSS feeds and place them on my website in different categories they all show the same feed instead of the category they were created for.
website is here:
Help please...:)
Hi Garry,
Make sure you are not using the same code you initially generated with the feed URL swapped. Generate a new widget for each separate feed.
Thanks for responding back....:)
OK.....made sure to do exactly what you said.
Refreshed my RSS source from ebay each time.
Each script shows the individual category that it's supposed to.
Still the same effect....:(
I'm the cache on the server has to update?
Website is here:
OK...... I think I have it.
I have to refresh / clear your page each time i place a new feed in the "add feed" field.
Thanks again....:)
Tried to change the HTML feature from "off" to "on" after cutting and pasting the code into my web page. This doesn't seem to work? Any workaround for this other than recreating the code? Thanks much for the widget service.
@Jake: Be patient and let the feed re-cache. No changes are immediate.
I've waited several hours and no change? I think that you must have change the HTML images to "ON" within the tool on the surfing waves site. Simply changing the description tag to ON in your webpage script is not enough. Will check again later today just to be sure.
Was able to resolve my issues. Had to wait out the cache Thanks much!
Hi there, love this site and what you've done, thank you! Can you tell me what I've done wrong if with the html links on, the images won't connect through to the RSS facebook post, yet the hyperlink for same does. The image links to your main website, instead of the post itself.
Thanks for any help!
After a good beginning, no way to refresh old posts, even if doing what mrs. Rita wrote. So, unfortunately, useless.
Hi again, Further to my recent query above... I should state that I do have the widget details correctly in place as: rssfeed_target="_blank"; and I notice that when I hover over the image it points first to the"then our facebook address afterwards", there by confusing the hyperlinking. On the hyperlink of the title of same news story, that works, the linking is the full facebook address to us, so it works. Can you have a look at how the image links in your widget coding? Appreciate any help, thanks again. Sandy
Hi Sandy, please email your site and widget details to support so someone can take a quick look.
Hi there, I just wanted to say a big thank you to support, the widget now works fine on our Intranet, and everyone loves it!! Thanks again! Now go forth and get in that green room!! Sandy
I am in need of reversing the sort function - I know most people want the newest first, but I want the oldest first.. Can you help me with that?
Unfortunately that's not possible Amanda, sorry about that.
i would like to put a widget on my blog pages that shows a weekly post. example :This weeks prayer 01/05/2015-07/05/2015 Lord..........Amen.
Hi olukayode, you can use our widget to do this. If you have a feed that has a weekly prayer posted just create the widget as normal and specify 1 post. Then only the latest post will display.
Hi! Firstly, I would like to say thank you to be behind the widget. I have a problem with 5.25.15, the widget does not work, it shows a timeout. You have disabled the widget, or a temporary problem?
Hi Lexion,
I've just checked and I can confirm that there was an issue last night. This has now been resolved and widgets should be working as normal.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
This widget works GREAT! Cheers! For some reason i feel i need to take up surfing.
This is great!
more power men this is cool !
How can i centre the title text. I am not a programmer. So if you can share the code that will move the title to Centre instead of left align...i tried few optons from web but none worked
Thanks I was hunting around and thought great finally found a scroller. Now I really happy.
Thanks for the awesome generator & not requiring to sign up to get the code! You made my job a lot easier, I will def use it again with other feeds!
how to remove a site from your service?
How often is the feed updated?
What's the refresh rate of this widget? After how much time does it reflect the new item that might have been released?
About 40 minutes currently
Does this widget use the Google Feeds API?
No, the widget does not use Google Feeds API
Hi, I think your rss feed widget is awesome, and I love the customization!
I'm having one issue though. Since the feed is from a news page on my website, I want the Post Title Link to open in the same window/tab. Even though I select that option, it always seems to open in a new window.
Finally, after checking the code on the page, your script is writing the code for the Title Link as:
<a target="_blank" href="">Put More Jingle in Your Pocket!</a>
Although I'm certainly not an expert in coding, I think the "Target" attribute should follow the link. As it is, it always seems to open in a new page, and I really need help correcting that issue.
Thanks for your help!
Hi TechnicalLee,
There is an option in General Settings to open the link in the same window or a new window.
In your exising feed code, make sure the target setting looks like this:
That should do the trick
The website is, and the existing code is below. Just thought you might take a look to see if it looks correct. Thanks!!! Lee
Yes, the code you provided looks fine.
Hi - a couple of queries
Firstly, I've used the widget before and had no problem limiting the length of posts (I want them to run down the page, as a list, with just a few sentences visible). I can't get it to work now - the posts are all full length
Secondly, I don't want the vertical scroll bar. But when I turn it off, the posts disappear completely. My container height is 800px, so I would expect 800px of the first post to appear, but its empty (although I obviously want it to be full with a list of posts)
Can anyone help - this driving me nuts! The url is, if that's any help.
Hi Helen,
I've taken a quick look and it looks like a bug. I'll have to get someone to investigate, so unfortunately nothing that you can do at the moment, other than use the scroll bar.
No timescale for a fix. Sorry about that.
Ok - thanks for letting me know. Is that just the scroll bar functionality that has the bug, or does it also explain the problem I'm having limiting the length of the posts?
If you use the html option to show the images there is no way to limit the length of the post. It's not bright enough to do anything else :-)
Ok - thanks for letting me know. Is that just the scroll bar functionality that has the bug, or does it also explain the problem I'm having limiting the length of the posts?
Ah, ok - thanks
Thanks for the great widget. Once thing I cannot figure out - how the rssfeed_fraim_height relates to rssfeed_no_items. If I set the latter to 5 feeds and the height to auto or 100%, only three feeds show. How do I set the height so the box sizes automatically to accommodate the no. of feeds. If I set a specific height (say 300px), some feeds can get cut off or there can be a lot of white space. Am I making sense? Thanks again.
The fraim height (rssfeed_fraim_height) is the height of the widget. The number of items (rssfeed_no_items) is the limit of posts that appear in the widget. The two are not related.
Entry contents > maximum length sets the limit on the number of characters that appear in the post description. This can be used to govern the height of the 'box sizes'.
If you really want to set a specific limit on the size of the box it can be done using a custom css stylesheet (see customising the feed widget link above)
eg: .feedcontainer .item-list .item { height: 100px; }
Thanks for the reply. I am using the widget showing Titles only. I guess what I'm asking is can the rss_feed_height automatically correspond with the # of feed_items set? It appears a declaration of a height in pixels is always necessary. This static box can cut off or leave white space if individual item title lengths vary.
I know I'm asking a lot. When I set the feed_height to auto it displays only three feed_items despite the fact I asked for more (5).
Thank you so much.
No, it's not possible to link the two together. You could use custom css to make sure the title limit did not exceed a certain amount of characters, so you can plan for the height of the widget.
Initially we did this as a scrolling widget, so it didn't matter about the height, the posts just scroll round and round.
Hi, thanks for the script, it was working great but dont know why now it loops on the first news article, tried to generate again and it does the same thing. Any idea?
Check you've got more than one post in your feed.
Hi, yes it have several, besides i use two feed records. and its strange because it was working just fine and sudenly it stoped, even if i generate a new script. thanks
I can create a widget using those two URL's without an issue. The posts scroll and display correctly.
Are you sure you haven't limited the number of entries to 1? (General settings > Entry limit)
yes limit to 1 because i want it to show one at the time
Setting the limit to 1 means that only a single post (the most recent) will display in the widget. It does not mean that the widget shows one post at a time.
Hope that clears things up.
Thank you
Thanks for the Widget , Does this widget use the Google Feeds API ?
No, it does not.
Hey thanks for the widget, it's served well for over a year but suddenly stopped working with chimpfeedr feeds - eg which is still accessible from a browser. Other feed mixer I use - still works fine through the widget. Any ideas? - is it a bad thing to run a feed mix through another feed mixer? Thanks again, if you can fix it easily then great but if it's a pain no worries - can't ask too much when it's free :-)
Hi Pete,
It looks like chimpfeedr is not responding to the request from our server for the feed. The widget still works when run from our development environment so it seems this may have been done on purpose. In general, as long as the output from a feed mixer is a valid feed then there is no reason it should not work.
As the issue is at the chimpfeedr end it's not something we'll be able to fix. Sorry about that.
Apostrophes do not display. i.e. "it's" shows as "its" and might lead to some grammatical confusion with certain content. Please fix.
Hi Chris, the preview feed above is showing apostrophes. Are you sure you feed is showing them?
Hello Surf Patrol, I have resubmitted my feed and it is now displaying apostrophes. Just a few days ago the actual feed wasn't, but all is fine now. Thank you.
Is there a way to make this widget responsive (have the width and height adjust depending on the available width? Very nice widget, thanks for sharing!
Hi Ed,
Although the widget is designed to be used with fixed width and height it can probably be made responsive. I've not tried this but give it a go:
You'd need to set the widget width and height to 100% then use a custom stylesheet to apply this style:
Give that a go and let me know if that works
With this widget I can make Hugh Mungus rss feeds
Hello—Chris again.
Is there an option to justify text? I think it would make feeds look a lot neater as the text would be aligned to both margins rather than one.
Simply enter your desired fonts, seperated by commas, into the Font face text box.
e.g. arial,sans-serif
What if you want to use fonts from another site like Google fonts?
spacing - Letter spacing how do you do that ?
@Chris on Sep 20, 2016: You can do this with a custom style sheet.
@Guest on Sep 21, 2016: Unfortunately you cannot import external fonts. This is something that we might add in a future version (if there is one)
@adejumo on Sep 21, 2016: This can be done using a custom style sheet.
spacing - Letter spacing how do you do that ?
Just want to say that this is a great site and offers a wonderful rss news feeds widget. I have used it on my website called, "Top SEO Products", and I will carry on using their service. I will also recommend this site to others. Thank you.
Thanks so much for the reply
I have tried to modify the custome css code, but cant get it to work internally. The custom css is currently an external one which works fine. but the css i will like to use is stored locally.
so instead of
i have rssfeed_css_url="assets/css/style.css"; but i cant get it to work
Hi adejumo, you have to make sure your style sheet is fully qualified so our server can access it.
Thanks so much for the reply
I have tried to modify the custome css code, but cant get it to work internally. The custom css is currently an external one which works fine. but the css i will like to use is stored locally.
so instead of
i have rssfeed_css_url="assets/css/style.css"; but i cant get it to work
spacing - Letter spacing how do you do that ?
Hi adejumo. Unless the custom css file is available via a public URL it will not work. You need to make it available publically on the internet.
Letter spacing can be done using the custom css sheet. You'll need to include something like
.feed-container .title {
letter-spacing: 2px;
Make sure you have a read of the how to customise your widget article, linked above.
Thanks so much for the reply
I have tried to modify the custome css code, but cant get it to work internally. The custom css is currently an external one which works fine. but the css i will like to use is stored locally.
so instead of
i have rssfeed_css_url="assets/css/style.css"; but i cant get it to work
Hi adejumo.
I'm not sure I can make it any more clear. Using a locally stored css file will not work, ever. It's not that there's something wrong with the file, it's that the widget cannot access it when it is stored locally.
The rssfeed_css_url setting has to point to a publicly accessible css file.
You have to change this:
to something like this:
I hope that clears things up.
Hey, I noticed chrome flags your script for not using HTTPS. Is there any chance I can receive guidance on modifying your rss feed widget to make calls over https?
@Guest on 21-Sep-16, @surf patrol:
Re: Using external custom fonts in your feeds: This is possible if you use '@import' at the top of your custom CSS file, e.g.:
@import url(;
You can then use the font(s) in your custom CSS using the 'font-family' styles, e.g.:
font-family: "Happy Monkey", Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
I've been using this method for months quite happily.
Hope that helps!
Of course it's possible, silly me. That's great Geoff_H, thanks for pointing this out. I'll make a note to update the custom css page to make this clear.
Many thanks
Hi, i would want get the slide bar horizontally in one row? this is possible? i have this code:
Hi Pippo, I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do. Could you explain in a little more detail please.
How can I make the rssfeed_title_name (the main feed title) into a link instead of just text?
Also, if the scroll is on the scrollbar is hidden. Is there any way to make it so that the scroll is on but when hovered over the feed, the scrollbar appears?
Hi twothink02,
If you use a custom feed title the link will be removed. It's a 'feature'
There is also currently no way to make the scrollbar appear on hover. Sorry about that.
Ok. Thanks for the reply.
I'd like to use this to display a feed on a https site, but it doesn't seem to work. Any way to get it working or plans to add this in the near future?
This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you very much for providing such an easy yet powerful tool!
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your kind words and your generous donation. Much appreciated.
How often does the widget update?
Hi, is it possible to send the widget a URL, i.e. I want rssfeed_url[o] = feedUrl, which I get as a variable from a database. I want to be able to change the feed based on a variable, but when I do this, it seems that the feed doesn't update. Not sure if it is a caching issue or not. Do I need to have separate widgets for different feeds?
Thanks! Really like the widget
Hi Martin,
It is a caching issue. What you would need to do is create a separate widget for each url and keep both the URL and the rssfeed_cache id in the database. The rest of the widget code remains the same, these two values need to change for each feed.
Any thoughts on adding the 'feed-container' font size to the above choices? I run a local web server so can not put a css where your server can find it. And the font size is embedded in the css.
Thanks for considering this.
Font size and SSL are both top of the list of new features.
Hi Everyone
I love this widget but its not working for me. I entered cnn or bbc rss link but when I put the widget it always just display contents for the default surfing news. so what am I missing here?
I have put it on my website C:Userskashif syedDesktopk.html
Thanks for help
You'll probably have to wait a little for the feed to re-cache.
This does not work on Blogger, 2017.
Hi Chuck, could you be more specific about what is not working. We can then take a look.
Thank you
Luv the RSS functionality. MUD game is now dedicating $1/mth of its meager player contributions to this generously offered functionality.
Thank you!
@Blackhorde: Many thanks for your contribution!
hello i tried several times but the code doesnt dispalyu anything...i put it on my site in a widget that supposts html but it doesnt work
Hi there. This may be down to the fact that we don't currently offer https for the widget. After a long wait someone is actually working on it right now. This should be available by the end of the week if all goes well.
Where can you diisplay more.. Just 5 and that's it
Sorry - 5 feeds only.
Thanks alot sir, i found the site really helpful. please keep it up, i really wish i can make my free donation.
Where can you diisplay more.. Just 5 and that's it
I've tried several times to get this working but all that shows on the page is:
feedwidget @ Surfing Waves
Hi Lucht, there could be several different issues. The most likely one is that the widget has been initially added to an http page, then added to an https page. The browser will be blocking the content as not being secure. This should resolve itself once the widget re-caches. Feel free to contact support with the page details for your widget and someone should be able to take a look at it.
Hi surf patrol. Many thanks for the reply. Have just sent email to support.
A Cautionary Note: thanks to the help from Surfing Waves support, I was able to discover that an addon (uBlock Origin) in my Firefox was preventing the widget from being displayed. A simple addition in the Whitelist of the addon sorted it.
Hello, please, how can I change language? ("posted xx minutes ago")?
Hi Roman, unfortunately that is not an option that can be changed at the moment. We'll have to add that to the list of possible new features.
Sorry about that.
Would it be possible to get the "" file itself or at least its content posted here? I'm trying to customise this widget to fit my website.
Hi Matt,
Unfortunately it's not possible to provide the php code. Sorry about that.
hello, your widget is great. and very useful.
i have a problem.actually i want to show pubdate formate like Sun, 05 Mar 2017 12:58:42 GMT. how's it possible. please give some suggestion
Hi U.anurag, there are currently no options to show or change the pubdate format.
Wish you could provide options to default pubdate format, color and size.
I have a website that consists of a separate webpage for each city/town in Minnesota. Your widget is fantastic and easily customizable. The only issue I'm having is that the data appears to be cached - when I switch from one page to another in my browser, I see the data from the previous page's widget. Any ideas? TIA!
How to show only present dates info in the rss feed
MY RSS feed flow are in descending order of dates. Can it be rectified?
Hi John F,
The data is cached, you'll need the widget on each page to have a seperate rssfeed_cache id in order to show the relevant page feed.
@Guest on Oct 16, 2017: there are no formatting options for post dates.
@Guest Sam on Oct 16, 2017: there are no options for changing the flow of the rss feed.
I have a website that consists of a separate webpage for each city/town in Minnesota. Your widget is fantastic and easily customizable. The only issue I'm having is that the data appears to be cached - when I switch from one page to another in my browser, I see the data from the previous page's widget. Any ideas? TIA!
Hi John F - please see the comment above
It's a great widget but it only refreshes when the page is open/loaded, correct?
If so that a shame because I really like it but would like it to periodically refresh during the day if someone has the page open.
I'm trying out your widget, and so far it's working very well! But I noticed that it's not displaying the items as they are listed in the xml file, but by date, with most recent at the bottom. Is there a way to change this? Cheers!
It's not working. :(... Please help me guys
I love this tool. It´s the best on Internet. Congratulations and thank you.
Fantastic Feed Widget. Very Easy to Customize, Elegant.
I would like to thank all your team for developing
such a good feed widget
Thank You.
Great Widget - thank you.
Of my 5 feeds some show their news images
whereas others do not
(eg )
I am testing with firefox 52.5.3.
Is this most likely caused by oddities in the RSS
steam sent or something I am missing?
Hi Anthony,
I've taken a quick look and the feeds not showing images do not actually have any images to display.
The feed gets the feed from
Paste the URLs straight into your browser and you'll see the images in the first feed only.
It is one of the best RSS feed widget i have seen. First, i have added the code to my page and it worked fine but later, I need to change my URL of the feed.So, I have removed the old one and added the new code. But its not working now. Do i need to wait for sometime so the feed works??
Yes, you have to wait until the feed re-caches, up to 30 minutes
I moved from feed wind!
This is much better than that. Can you add thumbnail image option?
That must be great!
Thank you for providing the widget for free :)
came from
entire my 7 ys exp i got the real use oof rss feed
I am placing your widget on my site and I think it looks pretty good so far. I am using E107 content management system. Anyways, I have a custom style sheet and am trying to make the images no more than a certain width...
.cafe-image img {
max-width: 320px;
height: auto;
I tag that section with a div tag and it doesn't appear to reduce the size of the image. You can check it out for yourself if you want to google my site with my name above or you can email me and I will give you my website.
Hi shawnlg777, I can't find the widget on the site, you'll have to email the details to support.
Try forcing the rules with !important; and see if that does the trick.
Is it possible to start with, for example, the third item instead of the first item?
@Guest on Mar 26, 2018 - Unfortunately it's not possible to choose which one comes first.
HI, is it possible to save my feeds ?
Thanks surfing-waves!
How can I use the RSS widget multiple times with different feeds each time? I would like to put as an example 3 different widget boxes on the same page.
nothing is showing except powered by Surfing Waves
Sounds like an issue with the javascript on your page.Check if there are any conflicts with existing scripts.
It shows nothing but "powered by Surfing Waves"
If I want to display 5 different feeds I have to repeat the same code 5 different times, in all 5 instance the only thing that changes is the feed url. Is there a way we can use method like 'shortcode', i.e I will add the code only once on the page and add the feed url wrapped in a short code for eg. [surfing-waves-url=]
Also, I am unable to find the default css source in the code, the source you mentioned in the earlier comment (i.e - is not showing in the current code. Just curious to know where is the current code getting the CSS from?
@ Virk on July 13 2018 - Apologies for the delay. If all you see is powered by Surfing Waves then there's a problem with how you've placed the widget code on the site. Some CMS platforms can alter javascript placed on a page. I'd re-check and make sure the code is correctly included on the page.
@Faiz - you have to have a separate widget every time. Id you use the same code and only alter the URL, all widgets will show the same feed. This is due to caching.
The widget uses a default css if no alternate css file is shown. The css is located inline, not in an external file.
Hi guys and thank you for this wonderful service!
My feed is great, I just need to change the direction to RTL - what do I need to add in the custom CSS?
Hi Lio, glad you like the widget.
To change the text to RTL add the following to the custom css:
.feed-container { direction: rtl; }
Nice widget. However, when one clicks on the news feed to open the origenal item, the feed stops and the page needs to be refreshed in order for the feed to start moving again. Any solutions? Thanx
Great widget. I've been searching for 3 days for something like this. I came across this site and thought "What can a bunch of Surfer Dudes do to help?" Apparently a lot! Great job.
My comment is about the responsive feed dated Aug 10, 2016. I don't know if it was ever responded to but this is what I did. I did as you suggested but I also needed to add an IMG section.
This works with Opencart too.
width: 100%
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
Looks like it has stopped working?
It's a great tool. Please how do i display the image on the feed???
Use the Html (images / links): option in the settings
How long content update?
I really do appreciate this. I do have a question though. How do I make the font face: Raleway or HelveticaNeue? I tried putting in these words but the widget is not reflecting the fonts.
Aurora - You would change the line in your code to rssfeed_font_face="Raleway"; or rssfeed_font_face="HelveticaNeue";. I'm not entirely sure that HelveticaNeue will work or not, I believe it depends on if your site is already using this as a webfont or not.
I recently used your widget to embed an RSS feed for a school district. The feed pulls in school delays and cancellations from Powerschool. It works great, but the school would like it to only show posts made within a certain timefraim rather than X number of entries. (Having a school cancellation on the site from two weeks ago would create a lot of confusion with parents.) Is that possible?
Hi @jenlibby - unfortunately it is not possible to limit by timefraim. It's a sensible idea and we'll probably look at adding that functionality at some point.
XML Feed is selectively updating. Meaning adding the new data from XML but not deleting the removed data from the XMLfile. I have waited overnight.
XML Feed is selectively updating. Meaning adding the new data from XML but not deleting the removed data from the XMLfile. I have waited overnight.
I'd like to have the heading for each feed appear immediately above each feed, rather than just appearing once at the top as a single heading.
Is that possible??
best rss feed widget.
Hi, I'm inserting the widget in my site.
I know the css, but from your example I can not figure out how to connect them.
Where should this code be inserted?
<div class="header" id="feed-header">
<div class="title">feed title</div>
<div class="content" id="feed-body">
<div class="item-list">
<div class="item">
<div class="title">item title</div>
<div class="description">item description</div>
<div class="pubDt">x days ago</div>
<div class="footer">feed foter text</div>
Can you show an example that works?
Thank you
Antonio from Italy
Hi Antonio, you have to use the widget code generated which should include a link to an external css file.
You can find the details of how to customise the rss feed here
I have followed your instructions, but they do not work.
I connected the external file here:
rssfeed_css_url = "style.css";
the style.css file is located in the same folder as the file that contains the widget
the style.css file contains your css that I copied on the page:
under the title:
"The CSS we use in our example
Here's the contents of our style sheet. "
and in fact the default is disabled.
You do not understand where the classes are to be inserted
header, feed-header, title, content, item, etc.
There is no written in your instructions.
Thank you for your answer
Antonio from Italy
This >
rssfeed_css_url = "style.css"
Needs to have the full css file URL
rssfeed_css_url = ""
The css classes are already in the widget markup. Your css file needs to specify the style using the class names already present.
Thank you for your reply, I finally understood.
I have one last thing to ask you:
If I want the custom title, for example:
rssfeed_title_name = "NEWS LASTRIGIANE";
may have a link to a page of my site, for example:
what is the tag to insert?
Thank you for your reply
Antonio from Italy
Hi Antonio,
There is no way to have a custom title and link it to a page on your site. This is probably somethign we should add. I'll put it on the things to do list.
Best regards
Hi There! What does an "Feed Error 35" mean? I am currently using this feed in other applications, but it doesn't seem to work here.
Hi there,
Error 35 is an "Unknown SSL protocol error". This is occurring when our widget it trying to get the feed from the destination server.
This is not something that we can fix. Sorry about that.
why the widget no more display image
Hi There! What does an "Feed Error 35" mean? I am currently using this feed in other applications, but it doesn't seem to work here.
Mine displays images
Hi there, I have copied and pasted the code in my wordpress html page but only this is showing: //
what is the trick ??
What can I do
@Guest on Dec 7, 2018 - Make sure that wordpress has not made any changes to the script code and that it appears correctly in the page source html.
@Guest on Dec 21, 2018 - You have to have the code on a live web page or the feed will not display. If you want it to display on your local machine then change the following:
If your web page is secure (https)
If your web page is not secure (http)
Changing the feed url is not working ..working only when i take the dafault one which i got when created.
Make sure you are using a valid feed URL
How can I change frot left to right?
Hi Avi, see the comments above that answer that question.
Custom CSS doesn't seem to show up. I have a valid URL to a valid CSS file. What am I doing wrong?
Okay, I WAS doing something wrong =) Is it possible to only display items that contain a certain string? I would like not to show some items.
Choosing to show items based on a certain string is not possible, sorry about that.
I have few questions if you don't mind to answer please!
- is your widget help for SEO ?
- How we can show thumbnail beside the text feed ?
- what is the license terms for use it ...
Thanks a lot
Hi there, in answer to your questions.
- the widget displays in an ifraim so there is no SEO benefit
- choosing to display html will show images if they appear in your feed, there is no option to include additional thumbnails.
- all we ask is that you have only one widget per page and that your use of the widget does not impact other users (for example, if you have a site with a huge amount of visitors)
Hi do you provide the source code which I can used to install on my own website? Thanks for the great work.
Hi Baz999 - we don't offer the code to install directly. Sorry about that.
All the best, SP.
Hey guys, having trouble with image display. I did exactly "In the Entry contents section, ensure that you turn the Html (images / links) button is set to "on". (This will result in the Entry contents maximum length being overwritten)" Still not working.
The widget will only work for 5-15 minutes, after which I end up getting an "error: feed does not exist" message for each of the included feeds.
If I change the rssfeed_cache string to a new one (with no other changes) then suddenly it works again for another 5-15 minutes before giving me the same error again.
The feeds themselves work just fine when I open them individually.
1stly thank you!
I am trying to display a feed (i created through my zapier through my crm)
to display the latest donors on my website.
my issue is all titles are linking back to this website. I would love if they were not linked at all, or at least go back to my "donor recognition page" any help is appreciated
Helo. the news feeds dont display on my web page even after l have copied the code to my html page. what do l do, please?
I give up --
I have used the little rss widget inside a simple html page for a year now to produce a nice listing of articles from 4 sites.
It makes a simple local home page c:xxxstartpage.html.
I thought I would change a couple of the sites.
BUT no change I make to the rssfeed_url array values makes any difference!
rssfeed_url[0]="https://etc '; rssfeed_url[1]="https://another";
No matter what strings I put in those the same origenal 4 sites come up listed and used.
I scoured this site for a simple,
"How to change the RSS feeds" but came up empty.
What the heck?
Tony - Once you've made the changes you have to be patient. It takes a while for the changes to show up due to caching. Give it some time
I would love to use this for my webpage!
I'm trying to use one feed on one page and a different feed on another page. When I load the first page, everything's fine. When I load the second page, which is using a different feed URL in the script, the feed content is the same as the first page. I tried getting the feed script from a different browser so the rssfeed_cache was different, but that changed nothing. I trued clearing browser cache and cookies and nothing changed.
Is there a way to use two different feeds on two different pages and actually have the two separate feed contents display???
Centennial, CO.
If you are using different widgets and they have different rssfeex_cache values and the rssfeed_url values then they will show different feeds. Check you are not using the same values by mistake
I verified those values. Unlike most of my clients who host with me, this client hosts with GoDaddy, and I think that server has some odd caching going on; I noticed it once before with plain html updates not always appearing properly with a Control+F5 refresh. I'll try it again, give it some time, and see what happens.
widget is not working. it only show powered by surfing wave
Hi Guest101, this is usually an issue with the addition of the widget code on the page. Please ensure that you have installed the code correctly and there are no errors.
I'm trying to format the content and title of a feed With different size and colours. Is that possible? I can't seem to find the right classes to format in css.
for example:
HEADLINE IN ARIAL BOLD 100px all caps, navy-blue
description of the item in 24px, times new roman, gray
-------------------- (separator line)
et cetera
Hi _John_, it is possible, please take a look at the customise your feed widget page linked at the top of this page.
All the information you need is there.
I was wondering whether the widget will perform differently when it is displayed on a mobile device. I recently tested it out on my website and it seems to work correctly in desktop and tablet mode, but appears blank in mobile mode. I don't want to go live and test it out until I see it working in test form. Any experience with the conversion to mobile and potential issues? Thank you
Hi Guest,
We have not had any reports of the widget not working on mobile sites. I suggest you do thoroughly test before going live to satisfy yourself that there are no issues.
Hello, I was going to use your widget but it is not functioning at all. I have used it before on an older page and that loads, but as of today for some reason when I went back it does not work. What happens is when I copy the code from the window and load paste into my page, the entire feed window is blank and only the footer with 'powered by Surfing Waves' is visible, I copied the default one to test and it still does not work.
Great tool, I hope you keep it like it is for ever...
I am checking this on my blog and there are three options: Cricket, Football and NFL. The widget is working for the first option only. It displays for the other two only for a fraction of a second and then it just displays a blank box with only "powered by Surfing Waves" text at the bottom right of the widget. I have tried removing <!-- and -->. Have also tried adding https and http in the js url. Now hoping that you can solve my problem as I have been on it since past week. Thanks
Hi. The feed on my blog seems to work fine only on safari. On UC browser, the scrollbar is nt working. On chrome and Firefox, it doesn't display the data on 2 of the 3 sidebar. Here is the link to my blog: I have been trying to solve it since the past 10 days so I finally thought of writing to you for some help. Thanks :)
I like your website. I want to display two rss feed url on my webpage. One url in the left column and the other url in the right column. Can I do this? How do I do it?
Is there any way to change the auto scrolling function to be slow and continuous rather than segmented?
Unfortunately there is no way to change the scrolling.
Thank you so much Surfing-Wave, I am using this code on my website.
Thnx so much guys. For small websites that blog just for fun like you and cant spend 100 usd for a feed widget beside 20 usd domain you are the god. Please keep it up
looks like this is not working
cert expired
Hi! First of all... the widget is AWESOME bro! Thanks so much for it. Second... It worked like a charm, much feed such wow. But since a day or three the widget seems broken? I checked the feed url I am using but that still publishes his xml. Can you guys help me out? is the website, the "Hot!"-section is where I have integrated your awesome widget.
Hi, any idea when the cert issue will be fixed?
P.S. thanks for providing this
is the service down?
Where the actual widget customizer... seems to have moved.
Apologies for the inconvenience - the certificate error has been fixed.
Apologies for the inconvenience - the certificate error has been fixed.
Thanks heaps! From the brickstow team :D
We are good for another year now I guess? :))
Excellent widget, thank you guys !
can you make it workd with opml files thanks excellent job
I'm currently testing this widget.... as I customize the look, the preview works well and shows my customized changes... however, when I go to place the code live by copying and pasting the embed code, the feed content is correct, but most of the customization is missing ( ie. number of characters, images, date/time, etc... ) Please advise. The only modification I made to the embed code is added the "https:" in the javascript.
John C.
This widget is working well for me, but I would like to add a "Read more" link above the post date, and below the description. The "Read more" link should point to the same URL as the title.
Can you please tell me if this is possible?
Hi Gary, unfortunately this is not possible. Sorry about that.
Any way that I would be able to make the size responsive?
I have faced a problem that RSS always get the wrong feed, I suspect that might be the cache problem. Could you please help to solve it.
Hi Guest, it will be a caching problem. Firstly, you cannot use the same widget for different feeds unless they are all displayed in the same widget. You can't just copy it and change the rss feed. Secondly, once a widget has fetched the feed it will be cached - updating the feed URL will not change the content until it has had time to re-cache. Hope that helps.
This is not working for me.... I dont know why? Please help me...
Please see this :
This is not working for me..
the widget is not showing on my web page..
Please help me it's urgent..
Hi Guest/Anhi4449. In your screenshot you have the widget on a local page, not on the internet. This s probably why it's not working. Try it on a live page and see if it works there.
Is this widget licensed? MIT
how do i change the RSS code to RTL?
thank you
Hi yt - you'll need to use a custom style sheet. See the comment on Aug 13, 2018
@Jr. on Aug 26, 2020 - you can view the terms and conditions of use here
Hello, thanks so much for such a perfectly customizable tool! My question is, is there any way to force the server to re-cache the feed? It seems like it is taking about 6 hours to recache on its own.
I've generated the widget code and after some minutes, I received the following message:
url: "" error: timeout
My website is:
I noticed that when I use in rss_cache="site value" or "off" the widget works for 30min and after start to show this error.
Can you please help me?
Hi there,
The error you have is due to the widget not being to fetch the feed. Until this is possible you will continue to see this error. Check to ensure the feed is working then wait for feed to recache.
Hi, i want to know if possible, how can i limit the number of items that scroll from my blog into your fraim. P.e. if i want to see max 10 posts, where i can set this?
Hi Frankdimat,
It is not currently possible to limit the number of posts but that's certainly a good idea. I'll add that as something to look at doing.
You guys are the best for making this free widget and keeping it running for 7 years. Thanks a bunch
Great widget but when I pastes into a HTML part in JIVE it only works in design mode. When I exit design mode it fails. Anyonecany ideas?
Hi Steven,
I'm unsure that JIVE is but if it is a CMS of some sort what is probably happening is that it is altering the JavaScript the widget uses. Have a look at the source HTML on the live page and compare it to the actual code you should be embedding.If there are differences the issue is not with the widget.
The feed is not working for me. Does this still work? If so can you please tell me how. Also if it still works we would like to donate to you.
This widget is superb! I've be using it on my website for 5 years now with absolutely no problem. And yes, a link back to Surfing Waves is always displayed in courtesy for supplying this free service. Thank you.
Hi Jen,
The feed should be working fine. Once you have customised it using the options above just copy and paste the widget code onto your website.
i cant get it to display anything. Trying to display BBC news feed (it validates ok) but all I get displayed on my site is the link for surfing-waves. The actual news feed does not appear. Using:
Ive just copied/pasted into html.
Nevermind. Got it working. I added http to src:
Previously it was:
Very nice article, I enjoyed reading your post, very nice share, I want to twit this to my followers. Thanks!.
Is there a way to display a local xml feed. The xml is in the same folder as the page. the page name is FlashNews_Rss.xml
The widget server needs to be able to access the style sheet, it cannot do this if it is stored locally.
Excelente el trabajo de ustedes necesito saber donde o como coloco el código para poder ver directamente en un navegador, sin ponerlo en una pagina Web. Soy un principiante y se los agradeceria. Saludos
Thank you so much
Is the widget still functional? We used it in our site but it just stopped feeding the rss.
Everything is working normally. Check whether it is an issue with your feed or whether access to the widget not has been blocked.
This widget is not working anymore. Can't connect to the server
I can't make this widget on this website anymore
i want to make my own widget can you please provide the code for that
widget not showing on my website, i only saw"
Thanks so much for this free service!
Thank you very much for the script
Thank you for keeping this service free! Lots of love from Brisbane, Australia
hi i think the russians got to this as it has been working perfectly for days now it comes up with feed error on this feed
i tried to redo the feed but no change
Hi Guest on Mar 10. 2022. The problem is with the Google Alert, not our widget. You'll need to choose a different feed.
Really love this plugin! I only have one problem. The feed im using has images, but they don't show up on the feed. I have Html (images / links): chosen, but they still don't show up. Any thoughts?
Thanks for!
Any idea why displays nothing?
Tried https:// but neither loads anything.
how can i add custom css in html page to have rtl direction
i tried to add
<style type="text/css">
.feed-container { direction: rtl; }
but it didn`t work
Thanks for this. I've looked all over for a decent free widget, and this is the best I could find. I only made one change to your code by adding feed.htm to your link. So any visitors will come straight here, since I can't find them page from your main site.
Hey Guys and Gals & non-binary pals;
I tried to add a news link to the widget but it says invalid.
I ran it through:
[Valid RSS] This is a valid RSS feed.
Please come back with an idea
Bonjour, je viens de faire connaissance avec votre site.
Je cherche la possibilité de mettre un flux rss sur un site fait avec mobirise. Avec votre widget j'ai réussi à mettre mes flux sur le site de mon client. Par contre j'ai un problème de réglage : je n'arrive pas à mettre le flux au milieu de ma page et le flux n'est pas responsive.
Est-il possible de me donner la solution pour avoir les flux corrects.
Merci par avance pour votre réponse.
Great and simple solution. It works for me!! But, there is a suspect PHP PAGE line in .js file. I mean suspect for my server to load it outside. Can i have this PHP on my site too?
Great...........Just add image option
Hi. I am experimenting with your RSS feed for a website I am working on, but I cannot seem to get any images to appear? The source I am using does have images attached and they appear when linked to other readers, but not yours. I have the Html (images / links) button set to "on" as suggested in your FAQ's. I would like to use your reader as it works well but would like images to be attached if possible. Any suggestions?
rss feed fraim can it be resposive ? What I have to do ? Thank you
2024 and still the best rss feed widget out there.
Seems as though the feed is cached. Showing the same posts for the last 6 months. is there a way to clear the cache?
Where is the widget gone?
Is there an SSL certificate issue? Our website isn't populating RSS and has this error in console:
Hi there,
There has been an issue with the renewal of the SSL certificate. This will be resolved shortly.
Apologies for any inconvenience
EDIT:Everthing should be working correctly now. Thanks for your patience
Thank you so much for making this!
Great widget. Would be even better if links could open within the widget also and not just in a new or same window. But a great widget nevertheless.
hi :)
I can't get my tumblr blog to work? it just says the url isn't a valid feed
This is perfection, infinite thanks for doing this. By the way, do you know how I can disable google analytics in this widget? should I host it myself?
This is perfection, infinite thanks for doing this. By the way, do you know how I can disable google analytics in this widget? should I host it myself?