WPC QPF Archive
If you would like to view previous WPC Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPFs), please
use the following form to customize your request and click the "Retrieve archived maps" button at the bottom of this page.
Your results will display in a new window or tab. Images are
in GIF format and available in either of two styles: simple contours or color-filled graphics.
See below for examples of both image types. Also, note that products from WPC's 06 and 18 UTC cycle are
considered preliminary; the final products are included in the issuance 6 hours later (12 UTC and 00 UTC, respectively).
Click above to view an example of a color-filled image
Click above to view an example of a contoured image
Note: The earliest archived products are from the 00Z cycle 4/1/2010.
Also, contour-only images are not available for the 48-hour Day 4-5 and Day 6-7 forecasts.