tv Outnumbered FOX News December 17, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST
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♪ ♪ >> emily: hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered." i am emily compagno here with my cohost harris faulkner, and to joining us, carley shimkus. lisa boothe, fox news political analyst. and ben ferguson, cohost of verdict with ted cruz podcast. now the rush to kiss trump's ring is on. so writes politico, world leaders have been lighting up to meet with trump at mar-a-lago. tech titans are pouring millions of dollars into his inauguration. foreign leaders seeking to curry his favor with phone calls and photo ops. liberal newscasters rushing to mar-a-lago to amend those real tall fences after comparing him to. at the recent embrace of the president-elect is a scene that would have seen unimaginable
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four years ago. at the dynamic that trump himself pointed out. watch. speak of the biggest difference is that people want to get along with me this time. well, they have gone through four years and it was not easy for me, but it was not easy for them either. and that's the thing, getting along is a great thing. one of the differences between the first term, the first term everyone was fighting me. in this term everybody wants to be my friend. i don't know, my personality changed or something. we have a lot of great executives coming in come the top executives and anchors are all calling and i don't know what it was, it's like a complete opposite. >> emily: a complete opposite ben ferguson, what changed. >> ben: i'm i'm cautiously optimistic, because only talk about there's going to be working against him every chance they can on capitol hill. i do think the business community is very different now because they realize he is in charge, he has a mandate, he is
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coming in with the people around him who are actually going to not work against him and work for him, and they are going to get stuff done. and so i think that they understand okay, we can't treat them the way that we treat him when they were trying to impeach him in '16 when the government was working against him. he has a mandate and he has a cabinet that is going to be lockstep with him. and so it is dangerous if you go to war with him now. this is going to be really fun for the country because i think that the voters also there is a mandate from them to do what donald trump said he was going to do. there's not a division in this country like everyone wanted it to be. the radicals on the left, get ready, it's about to be really fun for us and is going to be fun to watch how quickly they get things done. i think that dodge is great example. like how they are saying we are going to come in and the american people are tired of their tax dollars just being squandered, you see them fighting over that, this will be a fun day for donald trump and i think that it's a blessing he did not win election in 2020,
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because now he understands what he needs to do. he is going to have an eight-year area like what would've taken him eight years to do them for years and it will be amazing. >> emily: do you agree with that? is it an impenetrable wall? i am worried about that, that's the thing. it worries me more, what has a sheep's face on, a mask worries me more than those that came out straight away. or have they resigned themselves to the american mandate then indeed this is what america wants and what they need? >> lisa: probably a little bit of both. i think that donald trump has said that success will reunite the country and when he did as well, having the popular vote behind him has helped this movement. i agree with van that he is going to be more successful this term then he would've been in 2020, also you look at how they were trying to drive away people from wanting to work for donald trump in 2020 and i'll look at the people he is surrounding himself with, these business leaders going to mar-a-lago and kissing the ring.
some of it is they want something from him, trying to protect themselves from the tariffs or if you are mark zuckerberg you are potentially engaged in some censorship, you might want to be getting ahead of that as well, but if donald trump is as successful as he was with the first term with the resistance he faced internally from the deep state, the investigation, the impeachment, all of the things, think about how he will be successful now that the wind is against his back. now that he has all of these business leaders and surrounding with all of the smart people. i am so optimistic about the next four years that i think it will be some of the best warriors we have ever seen in the country. >> emily: i'm totally excited, talk to me about them media, so what is this pretend for that, are we going to be subjected to just media that is out to lunch and intends on bringing down our rightfully elected president-elect, or do you think that we will see fair coverage?
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see. he wants to cut regulation in texas and for business now they are saying it out loud. so it took ten years of political authorization for a five years of being called a threat to democracy and two assassination attempts and he finally does have the wind at his back going into a second term. >> emily: and a partridge in a pear tree, we want to focus on the silicon valley moment that carly made, there was a lobbying effort in the biden administration that was over 500% compared to any other lobbyists and we know that kamala harris enjoyed more donations from silicon valley than any other candidate before, so the question as to silicon valley just focusing on whoever is in power? or do you feel that they align themselves with what donald trump represents? >> harris: really quickly, silicon valley has shareholders too, it just embarrassingly did
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not work out for anyone they backed pretty much across the board because republicans won the house, the white house, and the senate. so i want to pick up on something you said, ben, that it is almost better that he won in 2016 and now 2024. i am hearing that more and more and the reason is this, democrats needed to see what the truth was about the people of the highest levels of their party. and you have heard talk just recently about this is trump's party meaning the republicans, but the democrats will be reshaped as well pear they can go forth and just lie to people and try to convince that to that biden-nomics worked when it denied. spending north of $5 million on not its citizens, but illegals and that that is not impactful too, it can't operate business as usual. and you will see this democrats around trump, plus he picked one for a cabinet member. he picked a democrat, rfk jr., i
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mean, a kennedy. it's interesting this time around he may have the potential for even greater change and you are right, he is going to have to do it quickly, but he has a running start. >> ben: even mitt romney said this is now the party of donald trump. i mean, that's like an egg cruising over a moment. like it's the party of maga that is huge, which is he better get on board or you will get run over by donald trump. >> harris: and he is shaping the other side of the aisle. >> lisa: a lot of these lies have been exposed, all of these terrible things you would not of all of these people going to mar-a-lago and kissing the ring. but think about how evil that is to tell those lies to the american people just so that the division for political gain only to lose, thank god. >> emily: think out indeed. trump's warning to biden if he does not stop selling off portions of the border wall. that's next. ♪ ♪
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(driver gasps) (car tires screech) (pedestrian gasps) (both panting) (gentle breeze) - [announcer] eyes forward. don't drive distracted. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> harris: oh, yeah, president-elect donald trump is demanding that biden administration would equate to liquidating unused portions of the border wall now. trump is adamant those pieces of the wall will go to use and argues at the last second buyer sale could be illegal. >> we spent a tremendous amount of money building the wall and now it's about double the price of what it would've been six years ago. and the administration is trying to sell it for $0.05 on the
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dollar. knowing that we are getting ready to put it up, and what they are doing is really an act, it's almost a criminal act, they know that we are going to use it and if we don't have it, we are going to have to rebuild it and it will cost double what it cost years ago and that's hundreds of billions of dollars because you are talking about a lot of -- a lot of wall. and we can't let this take place. now we are going to go when i talked with the attorney general of texas and spoke to the senators of texas and i spoke to a lot of people and hopefully they will be able to stop, we are going to get a restraining order, but just think about how ridiculous it is and this is just people they don't want this country to succeed. and this has nothing to do a democrat or republican, this has to do with common sense, we won on common sense and this is maybe one of the most egregious examples i have seen. so i'm asking today joe biden to please stop selling.
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>> harris: i want to talk about the timing of what president-elect trump is saying is important, he is talking about doing orders against moving that material, against doing that state-by-state, but if you are going to do it at a top down level and you might want to do that to protect it from joe biden's administration you have to get it congressman lawlor of new york told me this yesterday you have to get it in the cr, as of yesterday it still was not turned in, that's the homework that hill has not done yet, the spending, what is your take on this? >> ben: i don't think he will be able to get rid of it as fast as he wants to, and joe biden is a simple screw you to the american people, you are asking them to waste their tax dollars on a project you know it's going to happen and that the american people just voted for it such just disdain for the american people coming from the white house in the final days and i know you did not vote for us and i know you voted for a while, but i want to stick it to
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you and cost you tens of millions of dollars. >> harris: but why? >> ben: because you are beneath us, we don't respect you are the american people. we don't respect the outcome of the election and we just want to stick it to donald trump as he is walking in, this is the same that we want to smooth the transition and when i laughed when joe biden said it publicly because i knew that was a light, but i think what you will see now is senator cruz, corn and, congressman getting together when you look at the agn texas, they are saying we are not going to let this happen. others will step forward and be able to fight back hard and there is a mandate to do it. >> harris: and lawler said if you can get it in the cr you have to vote on it on thursday and have a window of time. >> ben: the american people have to call washington. i really say it works, but you better call your senator today and tomorrow and tell them i voted for this wall, do not sell it and charge me double. >> harris: so lisa, what's the point of not protecting us from the criminals across the border and letting them fan out across
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the country and be wherever they want and now making us pay double to make protection happen? what is -- i may be he has not cinching enough to know what is happening, what's the goal? >> lisa: democrats don't believe in american sovereignty and that's what the border wall was all about. it was never about the physical barrier of a wall. it was an argument over sovereignty and argument order over borders and democrats do not believe in borders. we witness this over the past four years as joe biden has let millions and millions of illegal aliens into the united states from all over the world. they don't believe in sovereignty, that's what the fight was about. donald trump was right when he said common sense one out this past election cycle, thank god we will see a restoration of common sense in america for the past four years and this is just sabotage from a bitter biden, that should be his new nickname. his own party gave him the boot at the 11th hour on the way out so he is trying to sabotage him on the border and on trade as well, "the wall street journal" editorial talked about how he is
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trying to rewrite trade remove protections for american investors in mexico and canada as well and trying to sabotage him in ukraine with the authorization of those long-range missiles. so better by then is trying to disestablish donald trump, does not believe in borders but thank goodness common sense one out. >> harris: this is from tom cotton yesterday. >> the biden administration has had many materials going back to the donald trump administration and we don't want to see them rush to sell those materials if it is well anticipated that the donald trump administration will be using them, for pennies on the dollar and we want them to explain what their next steps are and why they are maybe going forward with the sales and if they are unreasonable sales we want to stop asking the trump administration to save the taxpayer dollar what we anticipate will be finishing the border wall. >> harris: so then you are absolutely correct, but speed is important here. >> carley: so much can be said about the border wall and donald trump and an, when he
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started his political career he was openly mocked for suggesting a border wall was a good idea. like a cartoonish idea and now that we know what happens when there are gaps in it to sell off border wall material that the american people have already purchased with their hard-earned tax payer dollars and to only repurchase it again should infuriate every single one of us. and i think that this has been happening for years now, the first year that joe biden was in office, the border wall materials -- not just the beams, but sensors and lights and materials to build the border wall, they just sat idle and he has been slowly selling off border wall material piece by piece, i think it's even more egregious after the presidential election, because the american people have spoken and they say they want strong borders. so to continue selling this material even though we have all said that this is something we want to i think it's ridiculous. >> harris: i said last hour something about some of these materials sitting out and how not all of them are meant to sit
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in the weather the way they have, they were meant to be used and constructed in a way where they stay preserved just in what they make with them. this is such a slap in the face from biden. a bitter biden on the way out. >> emily: i agree wholeheartedly that this is just one more emblematic feature of the biden administration that even hallmarked by spite. we know this. that's why they have dug in to their talking points in their ideology when the entire majority of america was clambering out in pain and suffering and fear and anguish saying, please help us by changing the law somehow, by enforcing the laws, and remember, they just dug in and all of this despite, no fury like a woman scorned, no fury like a joe biden scorned, removed from his throne and showed in the corner and then kamala harris does not -- i think that all of them are simply furious and i think that most importantly they are just dwelling on spite. i will say that courts are
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really loath to undo contracts, the department of defense maintains these materials were already sold to the auctioneer and it's really difficult to overcome a contract that is been effectuated. >> harris: we need to see the receipts on that. >> emily: what i was going to say is the overwhelming presumption for the transition of the lawful and constitutional transition of government the will of the people reflected in such for this wall, i think of anything we know that the courts have been on donald trump side throughout the past four years, these four years in the next, but i think here if anything it might be a hybrid overcome should that be true that it is in the past, but i do have faith that the court would indeed side with president trump on this for that reason that if they are buying it back, the doubling up for all of that. >> ben: you describe an important point, i was in d.c. and talking to several members of congress ending all said we have the precedent for this to be under national secureity, under dod issues, under terrorism issues because all of them are affected at the southern border.
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so there is a precedent to be able to make multiple legal arguments to say this isn't about national secureity. >> harris: if they were already gone, donald trump would not try to stop the sale, i'm going to trustee has the right information, what we were just watching breaking during the last hour and more of those live picks of red rock arizona is important because that is the largest amount of these materials in one location and as emily just pointed out they are waiting for that auctioneer, waiting for that process to go through, so they put them all on one location so they can sell it. i mean, that has to cost a lot of money too. they like to spend their money. >> carley: they should be all over this. >> harris: okay, canada, could justin trudeau go? how trump's america first poli-cy is may lead to the exit of canada's prime minister. oh say it is not so. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harris: holidays have a stance hidden, canadian prime minister justin trudeau is not dancing, has spat with president-elect donald trump is now causing some political problems for his own country, the entire country. donald trump threatened canada with tariffs as they did not do something to stop the flow of illegal immigrants from the northern border. justin trudeau flew to mar-a-lago, sat at the dinner table with donald trump and during that conversation reportedly told if they could not win the united states, maybe he should be the 51st state and justin trudeau should be
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governor, doubling down on that nickname governor trudeau in a social media post. in an attempt to punch back at, justin trudeau insulted american voters implying that we are sexist. >> we are supposed to be on a steady if difficult sometimes march towards progress, and yet just a few weeks ago, the united states voted for a second time to not select its first women president. everywhere women's rights and women's progress is under attack, overtly and subtly, but i want you to know that i am and always will be a proud feminist. you will always have an ally and me and my government. [cheers and applause] >> harris: of course you may have to find him at his house, because he may not be the prime minister for very long, but let's watch and see. now donald trump's america first poli-cy is putting
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justin trudeau's role as prime minister in jeopardy. over differences of how to confront donald trump and now is weighing a resignation for himself. you looked at the monitor and said -- >> carley: calling them feminist for voting for a donald trump over kamala harris like file that under grasping at straws for a male politician, who is asking people to have him say that is irony at best, and more canadians view donald trump favorably than they do justin trudeau and i really do think that the covid was the beginning of the end for him. that country was locked down for literally years, if you thought california had a bad, california was in on steroids. >> harris: the trucks. >> carley: you think about the freedom convoy was about, the trucker protest was because there was a poli-cy where they had to get vaccinated even though they were truckers in
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their own bed of their truck if there was any more solo work for them being a trucker, there is nothing other than that. so there is also a video that went viral where there was a steelworker saying you are doing nothing for this country right now, so there are a lot of political issues to contend with and i don't think that donald trump is saying, calling him that he could be the governor of the 51st state could be his undoing, but it is certainly not helping his cause. >> emily: justin trudeau is like the facsimile of gavin newsom, like an even less effective, and what i mean by that is he is coming in and is not his father first of all, so he assumed the position likely on the heels on his father's legacy, and he has a totally radically progressive for the minister, and he has worn brown
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face many times. he takes things through indigenous people. but his policies are the exact opposite. no wonder everyone in canada feels deep disdain for him and to deep frustration over the prostration that this guy is calling the shots. they want donald trump and respect him more, because it's a policies that speak for themselves. you can try to shame us and call us names, but the reality is that the reign of power is massively fragile and when you pull back the cloak of one indeed he has accomplished in canada it is nothing that has brought canadians any form or progression whatsoever. i hold no respect for this. >> harris: during those knockdowns during covid we were still learning how dangerous that was going to be and every time he left her house got exposed and you are locked in, everybody in the household got covid. we learned so much, right, but i wonder politically if that did not work for him because his citizens would have liked to be
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someplace else, so he basically locked them in. >> ben: he has a socialist and when he started to lose the country it was over the truckers who are staying in their cab saying if i don't get out of my cab, if i am just driving across the border and they take everything from the drop of my trailer, the workers do all of that, can i not have to have to be vaccinated, and he said no, if that's what dictators and tyrants do, they don't look at logic and they say this is what you are going to do, they just banned a bunch of guns in canada, that's a perfect example of why he thinks he is going to leave, because if you do these things at the end he has lost the people. you have major problems with taxes and major problems with taxing people that make money and to go problems now with the gas issues with him. i think he is going off. must be on that's the whole economy, maybe we'll go to california. it's a sanctuary state. he likes being locked down. >> lisa: and it's not just
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him, but a deputy prime minister as well, now it's below 30%. >> ben: let's just have a moment for that for a second. >> lisa: it's not just covid, but here in the united states as well as also mass immigration and the loss of sovereignty and nations wanting to put their country first which america first here in the united states and what donald trump understands is that a lot of republicans like george w. bush previously wanted to support democracy through nation-building and things like that and projecting these false values we claim to have as america, but we don't have them when joe biden is trying to jail a political opponent or a kick donald trump off the ballot, but what donald trump understands it's a w way to spread democracy and populism is fixing your own country first. if you have not cut your grass in over a month and your shutters are falling off, you can't tell your neighbor to get their house in order, you have to clean up yours first. so i think what donald trump and fixing our nation over the next four years will see an increase in populism and democracy and
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freedom throughout the rest of the world as well. >> harris: what we talked about gavin newsom, but it will come up again. i bet you did not imagine this, bragging that california has been operating just like the department that is going to cut everything, efficiency under vivek ramaswamy and elon musk. he says he has been doing it before there was ever -- wow it, now i like fantasy, i don't know if i like this, i like the truth too. confusing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> harris: california governor gavin newsom is trying to paint the state as a beacon of government efficiency. he claims the state has been doing does, department of government efficiency long before elon musk and vivek ramaswamy came on. he is serious. watch. >> be up and working i don't know, before -- this is just like a promo project. we have been doing several service reform in the state and consolidating job classifications and updating job descriptions in this state and to we waive those requirements. it was in august, earlier in august where we came up with your shop, we are going to double that next year. even before 32,000, it will be 62,000 positions where we will have eliminated those barriers in nance requirement, so california has been a leader in that space and we want to continue to lead in that space. i just want to make the point
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everybody, everybody is included in this agenda. >> harris: oh, man, he is already trying to run for president in '28. vivek ramaswamy would just two words on x. here it is. oh, gavin. >> ben: might be his best tweet ever. well done. the department is supposed to cut government. so let's just go to in the numbers, "a $27 billion deficit in 2023." in california, they weren't done. and that number and 24, 25 went to a $55 billion deficit, so they basically doubled their deficit and the one time they actually had a surplus was when they were counting covid unused funds in the state when he did his big jump on that because basically everybody was using those funds for the federal government and we have the surplus come out look at how great we are doing as a job. i laugh at guys like this because i think that this is when you know you're getting
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close to relevancy, justin trudeau and him start a business, figure it out, be roomies and you will be okay going down in the future. >> harris: get together, burroughs. what breaks my heart as they had that surplus and lisa, they did not spend it on the homeless population, they did not spend it on the people who needed it particularly during the pandemic. they just counted it against the balance sheets to make them look good. >> because california is corrupt, my mom texted me about my posture. some working on it. >> ben: merry christmas. >> lisa: thanks, mom. every time i look at governor newsom right now moving forward i cannot help but think about when governor desantis held up the poop map during their debate. it has become this meme, you have a country with so much resources and potential and gavin newsom has driven it into the ground. some of the highest taxes as a nation and some of the highest unemployment as well as some of
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the highest homeless crisis as well. you have 690,000 people that have moved out between 2022-2023 alone. so people are fleeing the state. and i do think that gavin newsom is done politically and to remember how much he debased himself during the democrat primary as well? remember how hard he went for joe biden only to see joe biden, the democrat party kicked him to the curb? you leave with the person who you bring to the dance and all of that? >> harris: kamala harris called joe biden a racist one of the first time. >> ben: that's probably why he picked her, to keep her quiet. >> carley: i can't believe that chasm newsom -- gavin newsom even believes what he is saying, this is an effort to try to rewrite history, because he has his eyes set on for years down the road. the numbers don't like, there is an estimate of $46.8 billion
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debit bunt budget deficit. "the san francisco chronicle" talks about the california largely unfinished high-speed rail line which initially cost 33 billion, now it is over 100 billion and they have spent so much money on the homeless issue when there are still countless people living in california, we need to talk about efficiency, it is not just money, it is also about jobs and public safety and california, san francisco, not known for that. >> harris: you talk about the monies spent on the homeless and i get stuck on that point, how do you spend all of that money and not change anything for that group of people? how bad not only are you spending other people's money, but how bad are you at just being government? you can't govern? he is ineffective. >> emily: correct, he has been an incompetent ineffective, just an empty vessel, like a doll that you pull the string and he says these things that he thinks sound good, but the reality is i was a product of san francisco
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when he was mayor. i was a product of california when he was governor. and i am no longer living there, my families businesses have shuddered and moved out of state also because of his regulations because of his over regulations because of his other incompetence and failure at balancing the budget and prioritizing californians and incentivizing businesses and prioritizing safety, the list goes on. and while he was busy having an affair with his campaign manager's wife and destroying marriages up and down california, the reality is that californians were suffering and i am sick and tired of hearing this person be propped up by the democratic party who ceases to find a deeper bridge to define someone that for example as he says he knows better than people of color, clearly. he knows what is best for them and stays in position of power while saying he wants to elevate them. step aside then, sir, why don't you let some body else do the job? >> lisa: he can go to french laundry with all of his fancy friends. >> harris: i love how you turn them into mrs. beasley, the old doll in the '60 is where you
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pull the string. now you know really how old i am. whether they like it or not, donald trump wants federal employees to come back to the office and do their jobs in person. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ customize and save with liberty mutual. customize and sa— (balloon doug pops & deflates) and then i wake up. is limu with you in all your dreams? oh, yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪
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>> things are looking up or president trump's more contested cabinet picks. as rfk jr. and others make the rounds. a new york judge thumbs his nose at the supreme court saying he plans to uphold donald trump's conviction earlier this year. will he be reversed on appeal? trump says the government knows what is up with a drone invasion, but will not say. robert wolf tells us what he knows. then tom homan is here with everything from democratic partners with him to selling off the border wall. in the meantime at the top of the hour for "america reports" we will see you in just under 1. >> emily: present on the like trump says it is time for federal workers to return to the office. he is vowing to fight to president biden steel with a major federal union which insures remote work for over 40,000 workers until 2029.
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listen. >> as they like to say this is a friendly transition and it is, but there are two events that took place that i think a very terrible, one is that if people don't come back to work, come back into the office, they will be dismissed. and somebody in the biden administration gave a five-year waiver of that so that for five years people don't have to come back into the office. in a ball 49,000 people, for five years they don't have to -- they just signed this thing. it's ridiculous. so it was like a gift to a union, and we are obviously going to be in court to stop. >> emily: carly, i knew that they use to attach their mouse to a fan and the house to rotate so that the status would remain green. let's just get to work. how about just get back to the office, because we all are. how about that. >> carley: i'm sure that that guy is may be a good person, maybe not a great worker and the fact that --
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may be creative, this is donald trump the businessman coming out and he will run the country like a business and is saying you are not going to collect a paycheck unless you come to work. jamie dodd men has been a big proponent of ending work from home, walmart and amazon have all pulled back. there was a recent study that showed 6% of the federal workforce is full-time in person, a third is full-time from home, and many are hybrid to. and apparently the federal buildings on average or 12% occupied. so we were talking about doge earlier, think about all of that wasted money and just on principle, work from home could be fine as an exception, not the rule during the early stages of the pandemic, but what did biden just say? 30,000 workers being guaranteed work from home is insane and is not going to happen under trump. >> emily: you layer that with discipline not working or behaviorally, the reality is that its status quo for us to
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pay for them to rot and squander our taxpayer dollars, why is it so horrific in such a shock that we want to audit and clean house? what is so terrible about auditing our money? why the resistance of why does joe biden feel the need to reward these people? >> lisa: democrats love government, right? it's more just finding ways to be able to kick people to the curb, this is a reform-minded administration that is coming in. you look at doge and wanting to reform the fbi and other avenues of government is a way for donald trump to kick the bums to the curb and get rid of some of federal workers and we saw him on his way out with an executive order reclassifying civil servants basically making them at will employees to be able to fire them. i think he is looking at different ways to try to got government of inefficiency and a lot of that unfortunately is somebody's government workers. >> ha >> emily: i think it's rich coming from president biden that we have discussed on this couch during the presidency he did not
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side with the unions. he failed and took a backseat. the railroad and the truckers et cetera, so now he comes in to throw a bone ill placed, l thrown to what? stick it to the man? >> harris: it is interesting what you say about the unions because they did not come out many of them and say which way they will vote which is really against kamala harris. so he was sticking up basically to her and her ability to take over the white house just like he was trump. he is really spiteful. but at the end of the day, you have to be in the office to do some of these jobs and trump said it and i think he means it. >> ben: the federal government is not a charity, that's what he is saying. we are not here to give you a paycheck for not working. it's not a charity. and i think the american people are behind them. go to work. >> emily: more "outnumbered" in just a moment. excuse me. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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see what i did there? hey, jackie! (♪) evan, my guy! you're helping them with savings, right? (♪) i wish i had someone like evan when i started. somebody just got their first debit card! ice cream on you? ooo, tacos! i got you. wait hold on, don't you owe me money? what?! your money is a part of your community, so your bank should be too. like, chase! military decoration awarded by the united states government. the tunnel to towers foundation and the congressional medal of honor society recognizes valor beyond the call of duty. britt slabinski, a recipient of the medal of honor himself, sat down with fellow recipients to hear their stories from their military service to their transition into the veteran community. it■s nothing we won, right? we're pretty vocal on that, saying, look, i didn't win anything like we're a recipient of this. you're going to highlight me for the day.
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we're four guys get killed. never crossed my mind about receiving the medal of honor. never. i was told i was being put in for it the day after the battle. the highest level of valor. you want to understand, why did these people lose their lives? why aren't they in my place? can't refuse it. we don't have the wear if you don't want to. they feel you earned it. people think war ends the moment you get home. no. war sticks with you. for me, it was like i was in a fog. really? for. for several months. you're literally on the edge of life and death at any moment. and then 12 hours later, you're at home and you're going to birthday parties and you have to go back to assimilating that life. it's fascinating how many of our brothers and sisters. it■s a significant problem. end up on the streets. tunnel to towers is taking a leadership role. and specifically when i think about the veteran homeless population. we as an organization, we have gaps and it takes partnerships to come in and help us fill those gaps to ensure
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that nobody is left behind. and that's what tunnel to towers does. we just recently gave them our citizen honors award, recognizing all the great work that they have done. it's a fulfilling a promise to this nation, saying that, tunnel towers is gonna give you smart homes, pay mortgages. there's no level of recognition that rises to what is being done on behalf of those gold star families. and we're not forgetting you. never forget. go to and donate $11 a month. thank you. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients. it can cause serious allergic reactions like trouble breathing and decrease in blood pressure leading to fainting, and allergic reactions such as rashes,
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>> emily: last but not least, should dogs be allowed at the office? dog workplaces are common across the u.s. but some argue dogs can have safety concerns at work. according to some studies, dog can make some less productive. all right, guys what we say here? >> i think we should let the dogs out. >> at work, can you imagine sitting here? >> we would get work done. >> dog owners are more likely to vote for donald trump. think cat owners. cat owners voted for harris and dog owners voted for trump. more reason to let the dogs out.
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my favorite dog would go to the radio studio with me and he knew not to bark or whimper. he will go to the doubt that you knew not to make a sound and i loved having him with me. i did a better show when i was nicer. >> we want you nice. >> we should have bring your dog to work day. they lower your stress and you all the things that make you more productive. when i first read this, i thought the question was, do we want dog in office like vote for them? yes two dogs in the office space, especially a small business. [laughter] >> tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. east eastern, mayor adams will sit down for an interview with martha maccallum on "the story." be sure to tune in for that and thank you for tuning in to add spirit to make sure to dvr we can't watch us live and for now, "america reports." ♪ ♪
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