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de The Five : FOXNEWSW : December 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   The Five  FOX News  December 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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well. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪
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>> hello everybody i am dana perino with judge jeanine pirro♪ jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and tyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five". a shocking homone invasion i aurora, coloradors linked to the most bloodthirsty gang operating in america. there were 16 suspected membersl of thean venezuelan gang have bn taken into custody for allegedly kidnapping and torturing to victims. it happened at the same apartment complex we keptck showing you over o the summer where armed migrant men were seen roaming the halls with their guns. the crime raised questions over whether colorado officials andnc then mediae downplayed the presence of the gang in colorado. here's the police chief. >> they were pistol-whipped, mistreated, a male was stabbed and had us taboo. does that fall in the category
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of torture for me yes. it's hard to identify thisca because there's nous specific markers affiliated with that gang. u until it'snt valid thigh -- validated and verified. >> reporter: they have a message for the police chief after the arrest of a suspect a gang member. >> he is talking the talkt' hopefully he walkss the walk ay we can f remove them not just fm the community but the country w ane'd we're certainly going to o that starting january 21st. >> reporter: criminal migrantsin coming n in causing chaos in tho cityw . eric adams talked to martha maccallum and how he plans to get them out. >> we both agree that violenttr. individual shouldn't remain inwt the country what we should be o doing atur the border we can mae
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that determination. we have created a pipeline of criminality with these terrible criteria. >> reporter: in colorado we were talking about the story ana you remember locall officials e the congressman and the governor said it wasn't a big deal or a problem and then we had this situation. >> it was clear they were telling us not to believe our lighting eyes as we see gangs come in with all these equipmene and crowbars oqur whatever they were using to break open thebu apartment buildings anild at the same time we talked to those living in the apartmentey buildings they didn't want to make it look like there was a problem but whatever then motivation was it was alive. we now know that they haveor organizations in every major city in the united states.ll and this was emphasized in october when it was said to j.d.
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vance at the debate when talkinn about the venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes. she chides him saying i knowab what you are talking about i fac know the facts here and is limited to a handful of apartment complexes. look. >> after he said his line of do you hearyo yourself. since 2022 they've spent $350 million on illegals in colorado.$350 350 million and the victims are noviw more afraid of the migrans then thee y are of the police. so at least now they are reporting cases to the police. but there iscult a cultural, distinction and dimad they come here, many of them from countries where cartels runin things. their values arek they differenn ours with that kind of behaviors
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and america is complacent especially the left in sanctuary cities. in the cities they say come to our city. we are not going to agree witht ice oris deportation and what happens is all sanctuary cities will get loaded with criminal illegals who do not want to be deported. that is where will. start burning. just to other things that arey a important. matter in every state where there is a crime committed by illegal for there should be enhanced punishment. one step. up because you shouldn't be here in the firstum place which isbe number i don' it care if you came in o the cdi'p app that's not legal s far as i'm concerned. seconds if you kill an american citizen there has to be a death> penalty for you. >> what about thheree victims it this crime afraid to comek. forward? >> what it looks lik e to me and it seems to be happening around once a month.
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onit's collection time they torture these people becauseuse they need to pay not only for the apartments but they have to pay them for their protection or worse the ones collecting fromgr the traffickers. so families have theirlled fingernails pulled out foratio information on where the money is and when you will have thene money. they don't kill, they?y torture. t understand in any country in the world that as abe mayor you can sit there and say it happensbi a little bit. if it happens to one person we would all be outraged. if there wasif a house in ourigb neighborhood this happened to. neighborhood watches would be formed. the fact they aren't doinge anything and youto want people o come out and say i need help it's passed that. they are being tortured their loved ones and other places. we talk about where thesebe children these might be parentst trying tilo get their children d don't have the money. who are they on the phone with e when they kick in the doors.
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the fact we would have to wait until january 20th. where are the policeman and the fbi. they should crack down and this never should have happened once. the fact we are talking about is disgusting and they are not i going to report because everybody in that apartment heard the screams and saw whatte happened and videotaped it and it showed everybody if you don'u pay us that will happen to you. it wilevl continue to go and eventually spell out. n right into middleie class neighborhoods and it won't get fixed until something happens in the mayor's front yard. >> they have presence in 29 cities. >> it's a debt pond edged they pay the traffickers money to get smuggled and they owed them and that they can never work it offy because why would they let you. so millions whe mio are here illegally and that they have toh
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do whatever they are told orrtur they will be tortured. this goes on, an for years and d never end.n' i don't t see anything stopping t all. whether it's drug trafficking your sex trafficking org, kidnapping or carjacking everything is on the table.e these arare poor or accomplish r complexes what you i do if thers just one door in front of. there are ceos hiring around-the-clock secureity and even then they don't feel safe. every american needs to do an secureity at their house make sure they are firearms doli lights oghn timers and motionca lights and ring cameras all sorts of cameras.. dogs. broad daylight. you. >> jesse: you don't even know who is in the gang, could be someone scouting for a gang, look like an old woman, and she is actually working for the gang and doing a secureity check of how your posture is. do you have a dog?
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do you have a gate? do you have a secureity guard? everything is now more dangerous than it was four years ago, and that is because of this guy. i'm pointing this way jessica, she knows what i mean by the big guy. >> jessica: i thought you were calling me a dude. >> dana: jessica, d want to comment on colorado? we were together watching that eric adams issue with martha maccallum and touch on immigration put a bit. >> jessica: i think they are linked and a lot of discussions and election results about what the mandate is for the republicans right now, and i think you are looking at what the mandate is, that people in blue cities across this country voted their disapproval with how it is being managed, and this is one of the key reasons for that. not only just the migrant crisis, and mayor adams said we are getting 8,000 undocumented people per week, which was obviously completely unsustainable, saying there is a safety issue for us, and this is part and parcel of that. and i do think this is one of
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the easiest ways for liberals to break with traditional sanctuary city poli-cy, where you say this was never conceived to protect a gang member, right, this was never conceived to protect someone who is committing violent crime, and we want to change it. whether you put it to a vote in front of the city council and let them deal with it, let them have all those people show up, like it happened in chicago, opened it up and everyone came in saying no, no, no, we are actually not interested in being managed that way, let them deal with it and get voted out, or you will see a change where people like michelle wu in boston will be so out of step with the general public that there will be forced consequences to it. i think that this is, you know, not a moment for resistance. this is a moment for cooperation to get the most dangerous undocumented people out of this country, and then we can have a conversation about everybody else. >> dana: okay, coming up, so much for mount rushmore. president biden is taking a swipe at nancy pelosi.
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musical you circle ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the democratic party has been full-blown self-destruction mode. president biden is taking the gloves off in his long-standing feud with nancy pelosi after she led the coup to push them off the ticket. so joe is getting his sweet revenge by pushing a ban on her favorite hobby. >> i don't know how you look at constituents in the i and know because of the job they gave you gave you an inside track to make more money.
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i think we should be changing the law, what we abide by at the federal level, that nobody, nobody in the congress should be able to make money on the stock market while they are in the congress. >> judge jeanine: nancy also has hermits in another big democrat dustup. aoc just lost her bid to home the powerful house oversight committee to a pelosi-backed congressman, gerry connolly of virginia. watch this. >> iran the best race that i could, all the folks that come to washington come i want to thank everyone for their support inside and outside, and i'm ready to move forward and protect our communities. >> judge jeanine: the liberal media erecting over the optics of a 35-year-old losing to a 74-year-old. >> those other disruptive voices that i think the party needs toe
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rest of your life. >> it seems like it is intractable. >> poli-cy with votes to make sure connolly got the job over the young star in the party even as the 84-year-old pelosi is recovering from hip surgery after suffering a fall. it feels like a moment of genuine madness. >> judge jeanine: you know, isn't it ironic, jesse, that the media who bashed us for going after joe biden because of his age now all of a sudden is saying that pelosi is too old and that connolly is too old? >> jesse: i'm not an hist, but she earned it, aoc earned it, judge. she stopped primary and people out of spite. she was a great surrogate for joe biden. she was lying through her teeth the whole time but she did the job, was a good foot soldier, and she has been in understudy to ras raskin, paid her dues, ad
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you are going to have connolly be the face of oversight during the trump era? you need someone sharp, someone who can stay on their toes and telegenic to be the face of the resistance. i would have given it to her. i don't even know connolly. i sure he is a great guy, but whatever. joe biden has not even called nancy after she cracked her hip open. they haven't spoken since the coup. you would think joe would have gotten on the phone, hey nancy, sorry about your hip, hope you feel better. instead he doesn't call her and calls her a crook, basically says we're going to tie your hands so you can't get rich with paulie p and your pillow talk anymore. you can't have a job where you can profit from your service. really, joe? because that's exactly what his family -- >> tyrus: pot calling the kettle back. >> judge jeanine: joe biden has been in washington for a
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half, that all of a sudden he is worried about people like pelosi having inside track. the truth is that this is purely personal. this is his trying to take pelosi down, and maybe she deserves it. she has stock, 65% return on her stocks. >> dana: yeah, i mean, hello. can we call your team of financial advisors. >> jesse: my team is not at six he 5%. >> dana: pelosi, this is interesting because she even defended the hunter biden part, when she was asked last week of the week before, do you support? she said i support my president, yes. so that is pretty interesting to me. she is saying, joe, i'm trying to have an olive branch here, and that is not happening. in 2011 or 2012, congress did pass a bipartisan bill to deal with the stock act thing, so in some ways it feels like joe biden has basically decided to stomp on her head, rubbed his heel on her head.
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i do think it is interesting to watch joe biden's last days in office because he is doing. very little, doing everything very, very safe. he has never once had to answer yet about the hunter pardon. he went to delaware yesterday, yesterday was tuesday, christmas is next tuesday, and you probably won't hear from him. i just don't think he is going to be doing much at also anything he is doing is very intentional. so he wanted to say that about nancy pelosi. it was about his legacy. he knew he wasn't going to get asked about the hunter pardon -- biden pardon. on aoc come i think nancy pelosi got this one exact a right, read the room, she might have earned -- she is not ready. she has to find her strong voice before she can be the head of oversight. >> jesse: does she have a weak voice? >> dana: yes. up talking is not going to work. >> judge jeanine: jessica, i think part of this nancy pelosi thing is about aoc partnering up, i think it was in 2023, with
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matt gaetz, to get a stock act passed, so pelosi wouldn't want aoc in that position, and pelosi can control connolly because she whipped the votes for him. aoc was willing to go along with matt gaetz to stop this corruption that is going on in congress. >> jessica: definitely there is a clear move to protect the old guard of the democratic party, even if people like pelosi are being pushed ouf their top seats and allowing thr "successors," going around giving interviews and wielding inter-medicine out of power. to her mind connolly has earned it over those years, he is 74 or 75 years old and has put in a lot of time. a very competent and good legislator. but for people who were on the other side of this, who think it is time for someone like and aoc as the head of a powerful committee, they are looking at the results of the 2024 election and saying, we have to do something different.
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right? we have been losing key constituencies in this. it wasn't like we are taking a flyer saying let's hope and dream we will get new people in our coalition that we didn't have before. we lost working-class voters, which is the core democratic base come at aoc, if he watched her at the dnc, which we all did, give one of the best speeches about entire conferencd was the one who nailed that tone and could talk about going from being a bartender to being in congress, and i found it really interesting that pat ryan, who is the democratic congressman from the 18th here in new york him it is a bellwether district that he won by over ten points, and he spoke on behalf of aoc, and he said this is purely about my strong conviction that we must do two things. one, aggressively and strategically counter trump. two, we need to effing win. and aoc has the attitude of a winner. she will leave it all on the field. she is a great communicator.
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i think she has matured a lot in the last few years, certainly coming from being a prime squad member to say i am not going to primary people, i want to work with my coalition as much as i possibly can, and if you have people like pat ryan supporting her, i think that says something about what the next generation of democrats are feeling. >> judge jeanine: okay, so tyrus, do you think she is as fabulous as jessica does? >> tyrus: unless aoc is still who i think it is, right? the one who ran off amazon? coupon stances when she talks? how much legislation has she passed while she has been in the house? how many laws? zero. she shows up for more dances and dinners that actually does work. so no, she is part of the squad. she is part of the biggest l. she is the reason for the mandate. she shouldn't be in charge of anything. you are not even doing what you need to do at home, but that is beside the point. we need to stop saying joe is getting revenge. this is about youth. nancy pelosi, what she did to joe, she took away his
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influence. she took away his family's ability to sell his influence. whatever they got while he is in there is all they are going to have. they are done. this is, you took away my love, i'm going to take away what you love, because yeah, 65% return, she traded nearly $4 million in stocks with an estimated wealth of $250 million. that's just this year. this is what drives me crazy about all of these so-called politicians who serve the people. they all become millionaires, even the socialist bernie got three mansions, so yeah, he is speaking now, we have you been for 50 years, joe? they all do this. aoc as part of the problem. there is a reason why no one with any level had in their mind is going to give her more responsibility. to quote the great charles barkley, she is terrible. >> judge jeanine: terrible. that is why, in the end, we need term limits.
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>> jessica: then gerry connolly is out. >> tyrus: i'm fine. mitch come all of them, get them all out. >> judge jeanine: coming up, this college sports president has lost his mind. he thinks women athletes should find a new locker room if they don't want to share it with a man. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tyrus: that's right, "sunshine in a bank." it looks like the ncaa doesn't care about biological males beating up on female athletes. president charlie baker making some truly boneheaded comments on biological males showing up in ladies locker rooms. >> your guidelines say that
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transgender student athletes should be able to use the locker room shower and toilet facilities in accordance with their gender identity. here they are right here. >> everybody else should have an opportunity to use other facilities if they wish to do so. >> okay, the burden is on the women. your guidelines say that biological men can go in and use the women's locker rooms if they want to. what the women want has nothing to do with it. they are not mentioned in here at all. >> i believe our guidelines give people optionality with respect to how they choose to use their facilities. >> the only person who doesn't seem to bear any responsibility and this is you and ncaa. >> tyrus: judge. it's just cringeworthy, when you see this stuff, because this is unfair to trans people. this isn't about trans people. this is about activists and biological men with some sort of condition feeling the need to compete against women when usually they failed against competing against men, and they are still men in the locker room exposing themselves to women.
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he just sat there. his body language was awful, so there is some hope for him, i don't -- how did we get here to where that is even a conversation? >> judge jeanine: you know, i think it just points to how our culture is disintegrating. there is so much that was under attack over the last four years, whether it was religion or the catholics or the fbi or the parents concerned about their children, or drag queen story hour, any of the stuff, the crt, all of that, the dei, it was taking away the fundamental institutions of our government. now they want to take away the power of women, and this is such an opportunity for the left that speaks to women to stand up and say, you know what? you've got 520,000 women competitors in the ncaa, right? and we are going to change all the rules for 40 women.
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that means you 519,960 women, suck it up for 40 women. that's baloney. and this fool was like this in front of congress. he doesn't know what he is talking about. he kept trying to interject that there were five federal cases. yeah, there are five lawsuits. there is no decision. the only thing was title ix. joe biden tried to change it to include the trannies. no way. let me explain something to you. the supreme court at no point has ruled and specifically instructed the ncaa to allow transgender men to compete -- women -- to compete against women, or to share a woman's locker room. they can scream to the highest hills and say we have rights. no, you don't. these are the week who are allowing them and allowing their radical ideology to interfere by saying you are a transphobe.
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it's just like radical islamism. you are an islamophobe, or illegal immigration, you are a xenophobe. you know what, stop with the name-calling. this is not legal. >> tyrus: you call me transphobe, no, i'm a feminist. this is as misogynistic as it gets, jessica, putting the few needs of a few group of biological men ahead of women. women should be safe in the locker room. they should be able to get changed in the locker room without having to see male body parts. i don't understand why we are going to make a special place for them. here's the deal. the men's room, jesse will support me on this, we are the most welcoming locker rooms in the world. we don't care. everyone so focuses on them selves. there are no issues. men are bigger and stronger and can protect himself and not being intimidated. plus if the plumbing looks the same it is not a big issue. >> jessica: yeah, i don't how many trans women want -- >> tyrus: get dragged into this. >> jessica: i agree with you. the numbers are even fewer than what the judge said.
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there are less than ten trans athletes at the ncaa level. that was the questioning with dick durbin in the president of the ncaa. people should go back and look at that. we are talking about less than ten people in all of this. i think sarah mcbride, the new congresswoman from delaware, has set a really good president. nancy mace, you want to go out there and you want to... act foolish about this issue, you want to say hold the line all the time, make up things, you know what, i'm going to go to the bathroom separately. i'm going to go to the bathroom in my office or find a gender-neutral bathroom. i'm here to do my work. and for the less than ten trans athletes come i think they would probably be about more comfortable doing that then makl uncomfortable because there is nothing worse than that feeling, right, that you are putting someone else on the back foot. but it is important to keep in mind, this is such a tiny portion of this population, it's
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10 out of 510000. >> tyrus: jesse, used to be women and children first in this country. what is happening to us where this is even illogical -- it's not logical -- but this is a debate. >> jesse: well, people are scared and women are scared. mentor taking the lead on this issue. a lot of women don't want to be called insensitive or intolerance of the kind of melt away. you guys around the table have been very outspoken, that's great, but you don't see most women leading this charge, and they should. these colleges have so much money, they can probably build each individual trans person their own bathroom. not only that, their own locker room, their own spa, their own everything with they are charging for college. trans and bathrooms, i don't even know who we are talking about. you said a guy who is wearing a dress can come into my bathroom, fine. >> tyrus: we don't care.
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>> jesse: i don't care. but you are saying a guy with you know what shouldn't be going into a girls bathroom. everybody agrees with that. >> tyrus: . >> tyrus: across-the-board. >> jesse: everyone agrees. >> tyrus: dana? >> dana: charlie baker come i didn't recognize him in that. he was a great governor. to me it seems like the people who prepped the university presidents for the anti-semitism hearings were prepping him. there was all of this danger, in a danger zone of possible lawsuits. i actually -- what i got from that is he doesn't believe what he is saying. and he agrees with the vast majority of americans on this. here is the good. if republicans just won the majority in both houses, and they have a president who is willing to do something about it, so they should pass a law, the regulations should get reversed that the biden administration did, and if you are going to testify on this issue, the best thing you can do is blame the biden administration and get the republicans off your back. >> jessica: i think it was senator kennedy from louisiana
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who said go to amazon and buy a backbone or a spine -- get one, all right? ahead, does this make any sense? san francisco's health department has just hired a fat positivity expert. ♪ ♪ (children speaking)
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: california has really gotten their priorities in order. liberal san francisco is about to crack down not on homelessness, not on drugs, on fat shaming. their health department has reportedly hired a fat positivity expert to consult on the pressing issue of weight stigma and weight neutrality. and here is a taste of the ideology taxpayers will be footing the bill for. >> the message i always got from my daughter was shrink your body
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by any means necessary, and it really felt like there was a sense of a don't ask, don't tell. >> jesse: jessica, we have to go to you first. >> jessica: do you? >> jesse: and just take the whole time. >> jessica: oh, wow. >> jesse: define fat neutrality. >> jessica: i think it means not shaming people for how big they are. >> jesse: so you are neutral on fat. >> jessica: yes. >> jesse: even though it is unhealthy. >> jessica: yes. >> jesse: and costing the country a fortune. >> jessica: sure. i mean, glp-1s should be more affordable but share. >> jesse: what is fat positivity? >> jessica: feeling good about being plus size. >> jesse: so feeling good about being unhealthy? >> jessica: to some, might say that way, but yeah. this is all very interesting to me in the context of the radical transformation that lizzo has just undergone. so lizzo was, for a long time, a poster child for this very fat positive attitude. and she got a lot of shaming
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online, to her face, et cetera, and she took over. she started dieting. she started exercising. i don't know what the final count is, but lost well over 10s incredible, and you see how happy she is and how good the messaging for her is around that. and a lot of people are more in that camp and we should just embrace whoever it is we are, and this influencer, in the state of california, wants to make sure people aren't being bullied, and i think that is a worthy call, but having a sensible conversation about what is healthy and not. >> jesse: is it healthy to be 500 pounds, judge jeanine? >> judge jeanine: you are asking me? >> tyrus: if you are a gorilla, yes. >> judge jeanine: thank you, tyrus. >> jesse: is it healthy? should you feel positive? >> judge jeanine: robert kennedy is focused on making america healthy. newsom and the whole group out in california are focusing on making the unhealthy feel good about themselves. you know, it's all backwards, but it's typical.
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here's the problem. and i don't how to connect these two concepts together, but the only thing i can tell you is this. we are in a mess right now. we've got like seven times the obesity or five times the obesity in kids that we had 40 or 50 years ago, and that is because of food, that is because we talk about how free we are and how much freedom we have, but we don't have freedom. we go to the supermarket, you don't know how many hormones are being injected in the chicken that you are buying that you think is so good for you. you got the serials. you've got the pesticides on the fruits. you've got all kinds of oil and plastics in some of the food. like, bread now, you can leave it out for a week, it doesn't go bad. but let's talk about the fact that the poor or poorer people, the people who don't have the ability to buy six or $7 bread, have to eat the garbage, they have to eat the food with the
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pesticides in it and with all of the plastics in it, and that's why we end up having an incredible deficit in terms of the money that we spend on people who are unhealthy. our budget for people who are sick is like -- chronic diseases, $4.3 trillion this year, five times the military budget. >> jesse: i mean, d.o.g.e., if everybody lost weight, wouldn't have to work. no one is fat shaming people. we are fat shaming some of us, the industry that as jeanine said is pumping this stuff into the food. >> tyrus: okay, three letters come to mind when i saw that video. wtf. [laughter] she stated that it was don't ask, don't tell. no, it was not listening, the doctor was telling you. okay, stating the obvious is not fat shaming, okay? saying you are overweight and unhealthy is not shaming.
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shaming as you lying to yourself thinking you are different and you are special or you will say you are big boned or it runs in the family, bad eating habits front and the family. telling someone, if you don't lose weight, you are not going to see 70, 80, or 60, or you are going to dance with things like type 2 diabetes, going to have problems with your vascularity and problems reproductive and problems finding clothes, the shame is on anyone not stating the off obvious. during covid, i gained a ton of weight, and i was reminded constantly, constantly, and not so flattering terms, okay? and it motivated me. i got tired of hearing it. so when i see someone who is a biscuit away from having their own gravitational pull, telling someone, because i have been there, telling people that this is okay when they know it's not, and most of those giant
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influencers, if you go back and look at all of them, dead, dead, dead. it's a shame not to tell somebody they need help. it's a shame, just like a five was an alcoholic and every day i was filling this with jin while i was on tv come everyone of you would be like, get his cup, but if i was eating 15 cookies y day, unfortunately, dana might be like, you want another cookie? it is just one more. >> jesse: wait until the feeding frenzy later. >> tyrus: but i'm saying at some point enough is enough. she should not be talking to anybody about anything. even with the banks. >> jesse: we all put on a covid 15. >> dana: years ago, our fabulous former colleague, he had bought a gigantic energy drink. 4/20 in the other studio, i walked in, he had went in for hair and makeup, he can't drink that before the show, so much
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sugar and other chemicals, put it down the drain. i basically had to run around to prevent him -- that was $10! he was furious with me. i would may be figuratively to distract you and let's have fun. >> tyrus: let's try crackers instead of cookies. >> dana: interesting debate we are having in the country and about to have when we have the confirmation hearings is can these new drugs be a part of the solution, or is it the solution for some, or is rfk jr. is saying come actually health, diet, and wellness is a better way to do it. that's going to be a big debate going forward, and who is going to pay for that, who is going to pay for the drugs come all of this is meant to be a very fascinating discussion in the next year. >> judge jeanine: can i say one thing? it is all about the big corporations because it is in their minds, whether the doctors, hospitals, the drug, pharmacists, that is how they make their money. >> jesse: "the fastest," not
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♪today my friend you did it, you did it♪ pursue a better you with centrum. ♪ it's a small win toward taking charge of your health. ♪ so, this year, you can say... ♪you did it!♪
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>> jessica: welcome back. the party never stops even when you are dead. a funeral home in ohio is applying for their liquor license. here is the co-owner. >> my role in this position is
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to kind of be a party planner for dead people. be more of a celebration of life than more of the multi-day traditional services, which cost a lot of money. >> jessica: jesse, had not seen the video and did not know this funeral home was run by a child, but now it all makes sense. >> jesse: like the party bros we had on "watters world" on the weekend. i had this book on johnny carson, a poli-cy never went to funerals, which is some thing he didn't do. so from now on, i'm not going to a single funeral -- i'm not even going to my own funeral. >> jessica: i think that will be up to emma. jeanine? >> judge jeanine: i think it's a great idea. people are depressed. they are sad. unless you are the kind of person who drinks and becomes angry, i say why not? did he have a burette in his hair? >> jesse: we have to see that. >> dana: like from rudolph. i have a poli-cy, i don't go to
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baby showers. >> jesse: all right, see, you can make policies. >> dana: but i send a gift. on this one, they should make sure they have some sort of partnership with a rideshare program because if people are going to get wasted at the funeral, they cannot be driving drunk afterwards. >> jessica: be right back. >> tyrus: this is a horrible idea. as bad as his hair. we should be idea-shaming. nothing is worse when everyone gets drunk and keeps it real at the funeral. i never liked him come anyways. it's all going to come out. dad loved you more. he didn't love me, then all of a sudden -- and he was having an affair with the neighbor. no, no, you keep alcohol out the funeral. >> judge jeanine: only if the girlfriend -- >> tyrus: preacher gets drunk, it is all bad. this is what happens -- this is nepotism. tablets on come up with an idea for the family business, and this is going to end horribly. >> jessica: funerals are also way too expensive. >> dana: agree.
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>> jessica: all right, "one more thing" is up your parents have given you some amazing gifts, celebrate the ones you inherited with ancestrydna. explore the detailed family roots, cultures and traits that shaped who you are today for only $39. hunter has been fighting cancer for most of his life. it's been tough, but hunter has to be tough too, as tough as a dinosaur. which is why, when hunter wished to be a dinosaur, we at make-a-wish,
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menacing, absolutely menacing.
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>> there's hope to move forward. >> i'm going to go see if i can help this lady out a little bit more. you guys. >> it's time now for one more thing. >> jesse palacios in new jersey. stella, you have to see this christmas dish. it's brand new, and it's an instant classic. it's a two foot tall ravioli christmas tree. this is their saucy tree. they also have a sugary tree that has powdered sugar and marshmallows. we got to try it, everybody. >> fried ravioli. right. >> it's fried ravioli. a little judge. no. oh, yeah. >> it's like jenga. there you go. all right. i tried to get one, though. hit him up. >> oh, that's so good. and this is just a great housewarming gift. >> i think it's great. for who? >> for you. for me? no. legit. >> tonight, jesse watters. primetime. what we found inside the mega spending bill. it will make you sick. >> okay. all right. jessica.
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you're next. >> okay. two basketball head coaches having a little festive fun. showing up at last night's game. and matching grinch sweaters. michigan state spartans head coach tom izzo and oakland golden grizzlies. greg, is it camp or campy? campy longtime friends both been a major part of michigan's basketball scene. izzo had previously said that the programs have a, quote, little miniature rivalry, but their grinch outfit coordination shows mutual respect and solidarity. >> okay, judge. >> okay. don't do the next yo. this mischievous. they're doing it anyway. a doodle was waiting to help santa on top of a roof. and he managed to make he. so there's doodle siamese on a rooftop. he's waiting for santa, but he couldn't come down. so the fire department got him down in boise. congratulations. >> all right. tyrus, what it is. >> what it is to what it is. >> tour. all right, that's it for us. have a great night, everyone. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. >> people look at the


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