Scout LT2
Scout X
Axiom Ocularis™
Scout XT
Clay Slingshot Ammo
SimpleShot GoBag
Spinner Targets 5-Pack
Catchbox for Slingshots
Neoprene Slingshot Pouch
Bell Target
Cow Bell Target
Scout LT2 Scales & Clips Bundle
Scout X Scales & Clips Bundle
DIY Bandset Tying Starter Kit
Replacement Roller Cutter Blades
Roller Cutter
Self-Healing Cutting Mat
Stainless Steel Band Tying Jig
Whatever you shoot, there's a band for you...
made with SimpleShot Latex.
Hammer XT Slingbow Heavy Duty
Hammer XT Slingshot Lite
Hammer XT Slingshot Heavy Duty
Hammer Master Kit
Hammer XT Slingbow Heavy Duty Duo
Ocularis Plugs
Real Reviews from Real Customers

"Fun and relaxing"
My first slingshot in many years. Within about 100 clay balls I was hitting my steel gopher target from 30'.
– Albert G.

"Fun and relaxing"
My first slingshot in many years. Within about 100 clay balls I was hitting my steel gopher target from 30'.
– Albert G.
What is your best slingshot?
Well, that is sort of like asking which child do you like best... A few things to consider when choosing a slingshot: How do you hold the slingshot? If you prefer thumb supported models, check out the Scout XT / LT or Axiom Ocularis. If you shoot with a full pinch grip, the BeanFlip and Scout LT are great choices. If you shoot hammer grip...look no further than the Hammer slingshot. How big is your hand? If you have massive hands, the Hammer or the Scout XT are a great choice. If you have small hands or just prefer small slinghots, the Axiom Champ, Sparrow, and Axiom Ocularis are good choices. Otherwise, an average hand will work with all of our slingshots. Do you prefer to shoot OTT (over the top) or TTF (through the forks)? Many of our slingshots will accommodate both.
How do I choose my first slingshot?
First, don’t overthink it! Yes, we have lots of slingshots but they really do grow on trees, so if you are unsure if you want to spend a little money on your first slingshot, you can always make your own. If that is not to your liking, we always recommend the Scout LT slingshot. The Scout LT has gotten thousands of folks up and running in this affordable and fun sport. Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just getting started again in the sport, The Scout LT slingshot provides a stable and adaptable shooting platform. Just check out all the reviews!
How do I cut my own bands?
All you need is a rotary cutter, a self healing cutting mat, a ruler, and bulk band material. The rotary cutter, mat and ruler can be purchased at any craft store. Check out this video on how we recommend cutting bands: Slingshot Tutorial: Band Cutting
What is the best ammo for my slingshot?
Spherical projectiles are the most preferred and most accurate ammo you can shoot. The best ammo can be steel balls, lead balls, clay ammo or marbles. Shooting a spherical projectile provides the shooter with the most consistent and repeatable accuracy.
Try the SimpleShot Steel ammo and find your sweet spot. We offer 1/4", 5/16", 3/8", 7/16", and 1/2" steel. You’ll love experimenting with all these ammo sizes! Or just choose your favorite ammo size and stock up. Remember to get you bandsets that match the ammo size!
Are tubes or flatbands more powerful?
Both can be equally powerful when tuned to the users draw length and projectile. However, flat bands generally retract more quickly and are easier to achieve higher velocities at shorter draw lengths. Conversely, tubes will generally last longer.
The key here is tuning your bands. Learn this critical skill and you’ll find the exact performance you’re looking for.
What is the difference between ‘OTT’ and ‘TTF’?
OTT or ‘over the top’ refers to a slingshot with the bands attached to the top of the forks.
TTF or ‘through the fork’ refers to bands that are attached to the sides of the fork.
Neither is necessarily better than the other, it really comes down to personal preference. A few things to keep in mind: When shooting TTF, the projectile is actually traveling between the forks. As such, a clean release is necessary or one may encounter fork hits. If you have a ‘flip’ style shot, it is wise to only shoot OTT.
How long will my bands last?
We generally say that 300 shots is a good rule of thumb for flatbands.
Some real world examples: If you shoot your bands at an active band length exceeding 5x elongation, you will see a decrease in band life. If you allow your bands to be exposed to UV, ozone, or petrochemicals, they will break down faster. Pure latex breaks down faster than a latex formula like our SimpleShot Black. If you choose to shoot stones or irregular shaped projectiles, you may (it's almost certain, honestly) nick or cut your bands while shooting, thus decreasing lifespan.
Long and short….your bands will wear out whether you use them or not. Latex contains natural proteins that are degrading constantly. In order to keep your bands fresh and last as long as possible, store them away from UV light, chemicals, and ozone when not in use. If you keep your bands in a cool dark place when not in use, they will serve you much longer than leaving them in your car on a hot day or next to your electronics. In order to keep shooting, you will need to replace your bands regularly.
VIDEO: Tutorial - Band Longevity
How long will it take to ship my order?
Our shipping team generally ships orders within ONE business day! They are FAST!
If it is taking more than a business day for your order to ship, it could be due to one of the following:
A surge in orders due to a promotion or event, a large order may be more difficult to pack or require special handling. Some products take more handling (Hammer orders, for example, take longer to assemble) HOLIDAYS! During the holidays, fulfillment may take up to a week.
NOTE: Our busy season is between mid-November and December 31st. During these times, expect up to 7 business days for your package to leave the warehouse.

We love slingshots, and we love talking to friends about Everything Slingshots®. Ask us anything!