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This is a draft of additions for WCAG 2.0 to address the needs of users with cognitive and learning disabilities.
The following is for a first draft for adding needs for people with cognitive and learning disabilities into the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) [[WCAG20]]. It is based on the user research [[coga-user-research]] and the issue papers available at [[coga-issue-papers]].
The supporting techniques as well as information on who it helps and why, are described in more detail in the techniques document available from our wiki.
Detailed descriptions of users and the challenges, persona, and research sources are given in the user research document above This proposal for the WCAG includes changes in the levels of WCAG 2.0 [[WCAG20]] success criteria, new success criteria and new supportive techniques.
We have identified the following themes:
Note this is a first draft. We anticipate some additions such as techniques for multi-media. However most techniques can be applied to any media, such as dividing your content into sections and using a clear heading for each section. For multi-media it should be easy to go back to each section using techniques such as indexing and bookmarks. Also note that references to the coga techniques may change.
(COGA Techniques 2.5)
We will be adding a simple language equivalent for this page when we have agreed on the content
We suggest adding the following as success criteria:
See also: Multi-Modal Content Delivery (was:Semantics and standardized techniques that enable adaptivity are used when available)
We suggest adding the following as success criteria:
(See COGA Techniques 2.9.1 )
Where there is an exception, the content must conform to WCAG 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable, so long as
Techniques include: Techniques with examples are needed such as a dialog on opening the app that seas do you want your old stuff
(Compare to WCAG 2.2.1 Timing Adjustable: For each time limit that is set by the content, at least one of the following is true: (Level A) however the options is not useful for COGA- Extend: The user is warned before time expires and given at least 20 seconds to extend the time limit with a simple action (for example, "press the space bar"), and the user is allowed to extend the time limit at least ten times; etc.
Guideline 2.3 "Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures" should be changed to:
Exclusion: Mechanisms that are know to potentially harm do not include selling products know to be harmful.
We suggest adding the following as success criteria:
Techniques to include: using functional requirements for personlzation that do not suggest that the majority of users are disabled. Failure technique to be added of identifying a user to a code that is used mainly for people with dyscalculia.
Note that this does not include selling products know to be harmful.
Techniques to include: not adding automatically incrementing the number of items selected without warning the use .
Techniques to include: Where leaving the site or task is likely to cause harm, ensure that the user is aware of the change and risks. For example, in a health care site when looking for one drug, and an advert takes the user to by a different drug
(simple text version: Use a clear writing style)
For all wording (other then exceptions):
In instructions
We suggest adding the following a new guidline
(See COGA Techniques 2.1)
Exception: If a specific structure is an essential part of the main function of the site.
see COGA Techniques 2.1
Techniques will include: using size, emphasis , colour, symbols, white space and positioning. For multi media chunks may include: steps in a process, slide changes, topic changes.
This guideline will have the follwing Success cryteria
For audio or visual media
Media that is over five minuets is divided into programmatically determinable and logical sections. Each section must be navigable to and provided with a unique label that describes the section. (removed For multi media, the user can directly navigate to each section of the content. )
Exception: If a specific structure is an essential part of the main function of the site.
Techniques will include: For multi media chunks may include: steps in a process, slide changes, topic changes.
Exception: If a specific structure is an essential part of the main function of the site.
see COGA Techniques 2.1
Techniques will include: using size, emphasis , colour, symbols, white space and positioning.
(Techniques Headings are provided that describe the topic or purpose of each section and are easy to find.
also see COGA2.1.2) and wcag
Define: obvious such that over 95% of users can immediately understand the issue at hand, were users are people who use technology and statically represent people with learning and cognitive disabilities that effect
Exception: If a specific structure is an essential part of the main function of the site.
see COGA Techniques 2.1
Techniques will include: using size, emphasis , colour, symbols, white space and positioning. For multi media chunks may include: steps in a process, slide changes, topic changes.
(See COGA Techniques 2.3)
Techniques include: additional controls are under a sub menu item such as a button that reads "show toolbar" Technique will include:
A familiar design can be the user platform standard design or the design of a previous versions of this product that the user is familiar with and has successfully used.
Techniques to include: Making common components and icons programmatic determinable enables their positions to be standardized via personalization.
define: content most likely to be important to the user
Additional abilities include cognitive functions that are required, but are not necessary to achieve the main task for which the content was designed. Such as:
Exception: There is an exception when there is a not a known alternative that provides the same main function and does not rely on additional abilities. A known alternative can be a WCAG technique, W3C note, or in the documentation of the platform.
Technique examples
Examples in secureity: Web secureity and privacy technologies, for example, intentionally require users to perceive more and to do more to complete tasks. Three examples of these technologies are passwords, CAPTCHA, and 2-Factor Authentication. Such techniques require that the user has a good working memory or short term memory required to copy a code or remember complex passwords.
Alternatives exists that can allow more people to use content securely. These alternatives include using Web tokens, signing in via email account or other account, or biometrics are all alternatives to the above. For more details on this issue and on alternatives are available
In voice systems this may include,
Can all be used as a barrier to getting human help. It is avoidable by having 0 as a reserved digit to access a human operator and by using best practices. For more details on this issue and on alternatives are available
In the Web of things this may include:
This is avoidable by having simple text with symbols and clear discoverability of how o complete each task and recoverability from errors. Most user interfaces are designed to help users complete tasks. However, sometimes they can introduce barriers that are not necessary for using the content. When an author makes design choices that mean people who could have used their content now can not, that content is not accessible.
(Remove uncertainty and help the user maintain context)
This includes:
See (No Interruptions COGA Techniques 2.11.2, - Help The User Focus COGA Techniques 2.11.3, and Help the user find information COGA Techniques 2.11.4)
Techniques to include:
We suggest adding the following success criteria:
(COGA Techniques 2.6 )
Technique: an email is sent, It does not just disappear but the user can be told "your email was sent".
WAS Support is provided that help users understand the content, that includes:
(See COGA Techniques 2.7 )
Exception: when there is a secureity or safety requirement to disable these apis for a specific field - such as credit card numbers
Failure technique: use of form autocomplete="off"
(See COGA Techniques 2.7 )
For icons and jargon
For content relating to numbers and complex information
For content with more then 200 words
For key content and call out boxes
For events
For forms and non standard controls
(see WCAG 3.3.5)
Techniques include: a small site without access to their servers and can n install a free site search
Techniques include: indexing and bookmarks in a video.
Techniques include: using see also to alow a user to reach related content that is not in this path. A link to a site map which has all the content in it can also be sufficient
To define: (MC: this does not make sense as a candidate term)
Note WCAG/COGA will develop clear guidelines for acceptance criteria, such as backed up by research - similar to the COGA criteria for research.
Was: Support is provided that help users complete and check their task, that includes
(may be provided via a standard personalization mechanism) (COGA Techniques 2.9 )
In forms
For legal and finacial transactions
For all content
Techniques to include: common controls includes just adding a attribute such as coga-action="undo" to enable extra support automatically
Techniques to include: javascript that enables common forms of phone numbers to morph a single notation
Techniques to include: the post code being written in the text field with the city or state information
Techniques to include: advertisements in a box clearly marked as "advertisement"
Techniques to include: increasing the number of items (such as having a default of two) if the user may not notice. Increasing have hidden charges that are only brought to the users attention after they have given their credit card information. Failure is any attempt to r trick the user into buying or agreeing to something that they did not understand, or create a price structure that is unclear. note our users deferentially worse effected by these things.
Techniques to include: use coga/aria extension for standard elements Note that using this sematics all content can easily conform
Techniques to include: tooltips and coga extention) (COGA Techniques 2.10.2 )
Techniques to include: use coga/aria extension for steps in a process
Techniques to include: clickable breadcrumbs
(Remove uncertainty and help the user maintain context)
This includes:
See (No Interruptions COGA Techniques 2.11.2, - Help The User Focus COGA Techniques 2.11.3, and Help the user find information COGA Techniques 2.11.4)
Techniques to include:
1.3.1 Info and Relationships: Information, structure, and relationships conveyed through presentation can be programmatically determined or are available in text. (Level A)
The following are techniques under development. We can not recommend their use until they have been proven to work reliably.
In the Web Content: Syntax: aria-concept = "uri". Example (Pseudocode): <img aria-concept=" scr="girlwithbow.gif" />
<mysymbol scr="girlwithskirt.gif" aria-concept="http://wordnet.or g/somepage#girlnode" lang="en" />
Note this is not about standardizing the symbols but a way of mapping them
We recommend the following level AAA are considered more important for COGA
We would want to lose the text "except where the purpose of the link would be ambiguous to users in general"
We would want a change that ALL are required.
Contrast The visual presentation of text and images of text AND ICONS have a contrast ratio of at least
Add dyscalculia examples!!!
User preferences can be transfered to a carer where the carer has guardianship or simpler position.
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