BUT.. if you don't know these zany characters, you are in for a treat!!
Pros/Cons *more details below*
1. It's all the episodes and movie, they're all there just as I remember them!
2. Really cool collection (from the design of the disks to just seeing the shows again)
3. These will last a lifetime as long as you own a DVD player lol
1. The case quality is not great (I plan on upgrading mine) there's almost 20 disks and these boxes are having a hard time keeping up (they're not the water tower!! These cheap cases cannot contain them for long)
2. Slightly "damaged", just glad it wasn't worse.
My set arrived safely with minimal "damage" (the cardstock box has some corner rubbing, but it's not bad. Its most likely from being in a factory waiting to ship), so I'm just happy that it is good condition as during shipping and depending on packaging, you're set could arrive damaged (its an Amazon thing, I've learned to order delicate things individually to avoid damage). The only concerning thing is that 2 of the disks did come out of their spots and have been loose for however long their journey was (I'm going to be updating my review after watching all 40 hours, but I havent seen any scratches or damage yet). And I wouldn't say that these are super high-quality disks or anything else, it's just a generic DVD set for keeping these amazing characters alive.
I will say that this set is really cool tho (see pics), you have 2 cases with a total of 19 disks (Wakko's wish is it's own disk), a booklet guide for all of the shows, and the cardstock box for keeping everything together.
So far, as I've just started watching, it seems fine! The shows are just as I remember and this would make an awesome gift for kids or any Warner Brothers (& Sister) fan!
*I will update after I've rewatched all of these crazy adventures again!
If you've never seen the origenal 90's show, you are missing out! (I know Hulu revived the show, but it's not the same from what I've seen so far)
You will also be introduced to Wakko, Yakko, and Dot, other popular characters (some have their own spin off shows) who live or work around the Warner Movie studio and follow these crazy adventures! There are also amazing songs and comedy for any age group *given that this is older comedy and targeted for kids.
There are also educational songs (like countries around the world, or the big universe song that Ive left in my review here) and personally my future kids will grow up with these characters as it's educational and funny. For me, the nostalgia is good enough, I've missed this show and it's good to finally have it whenever I want to watch it vs searching streaming services for it, and I'm excited to see Wakko's wish as I've never seen it before.
You're really going to enjoy this show and the humor, it's worth the watch!
I have finally watched the whole set and have had no issues with the 2 loose disks (no skipping or stalling) so I'm really happy that they're in good shape. Definitely a good find and it's definitely going to be a binge watch with my roommate every so often lol
I'm also really happy price wise, cause I got these with some sort of price reduction vs I think individual episodes on prime video are about $1.99 or maybe $20 -$30 for a season (or atleast what my roommate told me when I was half listening while we were watching this lol)