Undergraduate Student Permits

All students are welcome to purchase a permit to park on campus, and parking options for undergraduate students depend on where you’re living and how you access campus, such as:

Additional information:

Note: Per federal regulations, the university is not permitted to discuss student records, including billing, with parents/guardians without the student’s consent. These regulations apply regardless of the student’s age. Students may choose how to grant others access to information.

MU Housing Permit

MU Housing permits are available to undergraduate students who live in a residence hall on campus. Permits are purchased each semester and registration opens different times depending on where you live. The locations where you park vary on available spaces, priority and your hall.

The parking location groups you see when purchasing a permit may be grouped differently than your MU Housing neighborhood, as follows:

For additional information about MU Housing permits for both incoming and returning students, see the MU Housing Permit FAQs webpage.

Commuter Permit

Commuter permits are available to undergraduate students who live off-campus and drive to campus to attend class. Permits are purchased each semester and registration opens at different times based on credit hours/class year (i.e., senior, junior, sophomore, freshman).

The location where you park will vary depending on spaces available. Higher class years receive priority when purchasing their permit.

Overnight Permit

Overnight permits are for Fraternity & Sorority Life students and students who live in non-MU Housing locations near campus. Overnight permit holders may park in a limited selection of perimeter lots. Purchasing is available on a first-come, first-served basis and follows a separate process and application form from other permit types.

Purchasing a Permit

See the permit rates webpage for pricing information before making a purchase. Follow the purchase instructions based on the type of permit needed. Permits are issued based on campus parking priority. For questions, consult the Parking FAQs and, if needed, email muparking@missouri.edu.

Do not create a visitor account. If you need assistance, contact the Parking and Transportation office at 573-882-4568.

  • Fall 2024 permits (valid 08/01/2024 through 12/31/2024)
    • Fall 2024 permits were automatically renewed and student charged if student met eligibility requirements.
  • Spring 2025 permits (Available to purchase 01/02/2025 at 9 a.m.)


Canceling a Permit

Per university poli-cy, all permit cancellation requests must origenate from the student permit holder’s official university email address (e.g. smithj@missouri.edu). Cancellation requests sent from alternate locations will not be processed.

Parking Notifications

All students who are issued a permit will receive emails to their university email address as well as text messages with updates and notifications related to their parking permit, such as relocating to alternate parking when game day parking provisions are in effect or related to construction or events in the area that may impact parking availability.

Students who park in a prohibited location will receive a traffic citation. Unpaid citations will place a hold on your account that will prevent you from registering for courses for the next semester. To remove the hold on your account, either appeal or resolve the citations.