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Climate Prediction Center (CPC) meteorologists and oceanographers review climate and weather observations and data along with model results; assess their meaning, significance, and current status; and likely future climate impacts. Their findings are issued as assessments, advisories, special outlook discussions, and bulletins.

Assessments are reviews of current weather and climate information issued on a routine basis.
U.S. Hazards Outlook
From Monday-Friday, the CPC issues an outlook of weather- and climate-related hazards to the United States for the next three to fourteen days.
ENSO Assessment: Weekly Update
On Monday, the CPC updates a PowerPoint and PDF presentation on the recent evolution, current status and predictions of conditions in the tropical Pacific related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle.
Global Ocean Assessment 
Around the 7th day of each month, the CPC makes monthly assessment of how the state of the global ocean involved recently, what is the interaction with atmosphere, and how model predictions verify using a PPT presentation and conference call. Contact: Yan.Xue@noaa.gov.
MJO Weekly Assessment 
On Monday, the CPC provides an assessment of the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) which includes a description of the recent evolution, current status and forecasts of the MJO.
Global Tropics Benefits/Hazards Assessment
On Monday, the CPC produces a benefits/hazards assessment for the global tropics for the upcoming 1-2 week time period. The product includes collaboration from other NOAA centers and synthesizes information from a number of CPC assessment activities and other operational monitoring products.
U.S. Drought Information
On each Thursday, the CPC, together with the United States Department of Agriculture, the National Drought Mitigation Center in Lincoln, Nebraska, and NOAA's National Climatic Data Center issues a weekly drought review called the United States Drought Monitor. The Monitor provides a consolidated depiction of national drought conditions based on a combination of drought indicators and field reports. The CPC issues the Seasonal United States Drought Outlook each month in conjunction with the Thursday release of the long-lead temperature and precipitation outlooks near the middle of the month. The United States Monthly Drought Outlook is released on the last day of each month.
Climate Assessments
Technical review of global climate variations and their global impacts on seasonal time scales.
Diagnostic Discussions
Diagnostic Discussions are issued to keep people informed of major climate events that have an impact on their daily lives.
Special Outlook Discussions
Special Outlook Discussions focus on seasonal climate events that have a near-term impact on our lives. An archive of past special outlook discussions can be found under Outreach/Publications.
In May and August, the CPC posts the Atlantic Hurricane Outlook Discussion, which analyzes climate influences on and expected hurricane activity for the Atlantic and Caribbean basins during June to November. Also in May, the Tropical Eastern North Pacific Hurricane Outlook is released. The eastern Pacific hurricane region covers the eastern Pacific Ocean east of 140oW north of the equator.
United States Winter
In October the CPC posts the Winter Outlook, which reviews climate influences on the upcoming winter season and the likely weather impacts on various regions of the United States.
African Seasonal Rainfall
The CPC produces seasonal rainfall outlooks for various African regions prior to their rainy season.
Bulletins primarily review past climate conditions.
Annual Winter Stratospheric Ozone Bulletin
This annual Bulletin reviews stratospheric ozone variability and temperatures in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The Northern Hemisphere Bulletin is issued in April and the Southern in December.
The Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
This Bulletin, a joint United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and United States Department of Agriculture publication, reports on United States weather and crop status for the past week as well as growing conditions around the world. The bulletin is published on Tuesday.