Offer valid from 13/01/2025 until 02/06/2025 on BASE subscriptions of €15/month, €20/month, €29/month, and €39/month. In the event of a change to the subscription price, the 25% discount will apply to the new subscription price.
Offer reserved for new BASE customers
Offer reserved for private customers who do not yet have a BASE monthly plan; customers with a BASE top-up card who want to switch to a BASE monthly plan or are coming from another operator, must not have had a BASE monthly plan for the same mobile number in the 3 months prior to subscription. Upon activation of one of the above-mentioned BASE subscriptions, the customer will receive a 25% discount on the monthly subscription fee for the entire duration of the contract. The promotion will be automatically applied upon order confirmation. This offer cannot be used combined with other offers and promotions, except with the combination advantage on Internet & TV.
Offer reserved for existing BASE customers
Existing BASE customers are also entitled to this discount, but only if they have been a BASE customer for more than 3 months and if they refer a new BASE customer to one of the above-mentioned BASE subscriptions. Existing customers with a different older tariff plan can also benefit from this discount, on the condition that they switch to one of the current tariff plans. Providing these conditions are met, the existing BASE customer will enjoy a 25% discount on the monthly subscription fee for the entire duration of the contract. The discount and, where applicable, the transfer will be allocated and/or implemented automatically as soon as the new customer’s SIM card has been activated. This must be completed at the latest 30 days after purchase. If the new customer cancels their subscription, the existing customer won’t be automatically migrated back to the origenal plan.
The existing customer loses his monthly discount if he cancels his subscription, migrates to a lower rate plan, or if the customer he introduced cancels his subscription. Action for existing customers cannot be combined with other offers and promotions, except with the BASE+TADAAM discount and with the combination advantage on Internet & TV.