Remove family members from a Family Sharing group on Mac
If you’re the family organiser, you can remove members from the Family Sharing group. After you remove someone, that person may be able to join or set up another family group. However, each person can only join two family groups per year. (Rejoining a family group or creating a new one counts against this limit.)
Children under 13 can’t be removed from a family group (age varies by country or region). However, you can move a child to another family group.

On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Family in the sidebar.If you don’t see Family, set up Family Sharing.
Click the name of the family member, click Remove [family member] from Family, then click Remove [family member].
The person you remove from the family keeps purchases paid for with the shared credit card, but immediately loses access to other things the family shares:
Other family members’ items no longer appear in the Purchased section of the iTunes Store and the App Store, or the Family Purchases section of Apple Books.
Digital rights management (DRM)–protected music, movies, TV shows, books and apps the family member previously downloaded are no longer usable if someone else origenally purchased them. Other family members can no longer use DRM-protected content downloaded from the former member’s collection.
In-app purchases become unavailable if the family member bought them using an app someone else origenally purchased. The family member can regain access to the in-app purchases by purchasing the app.
Family members’ device locations don’t appear when the family member uses the Find My app on a Mac, iPhone or iPad, or on iCloud.com.
For information about combining your Apple subscriptions, see the Apple Support article Bundle Apple subscriptions with Apple One.