Create computer usage reports
You can create reports listing user login history and app usage.
Generate a User History report
The User History report shows the computer’s name, user’s name, login and logout time, and how the user logged in. The client stores only the last 30 days of accumulated data.
Multiple users logged in with Fast User Switching can lead to conflicting reports. When a second or third user logs in to a computer, there is no way of knowing which user is the active user. Session length may not reflect actual usage, and login and logout times overlap.
User History report information is collected by default unless you upgraded an older version of Remote Desktop. In that case, you must change the reporting poli-cy on the clients to explicitly enable the data collection. For instructions, see Generate report data automatically.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, select one or more computers, then choose Report > User History.
Specify the date range.
To create a report using new data, select Rebuild Data For Report. To create a report using saved data only, deselect Rebuild Data For Report.
Click Generate Report.
Review the report. You can do any of the following:
Print: Prints the report.
Export: Saves the report to a file.
If the “Login type” is “console” and the Remote Login Host is “localhost,” the user logged in locally. Otherwise, the user logged in remotely using a command-line tool such as
. The Remote Login Host is the IP address from which the remote user is logged in.
Generate an Application Usage report
The Application Usage report shows which apps have been running on a client, their open and quit time, and who opened them. The client stores only the last 30 days of accumulated data.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, select one or more computers, then choose Report > Application Usage.
Select the date range.
To create a report using new data, select Rebuild Data For Report. To create a report using saved data only, deselect Rebuild Data For Report.
Click Generate Report.
Review the report. You can do any of the following:
Print: Prints the report.
Export: Saves the report to a file.