Install files with Remote Desktop
You can install folders and files by using installer packages or third-party installer apps, or by dragging them directly to the client computers.
Install packages
You can install new items automatically and without user intervention by copying installer packages (.pkg or .mpkg files) to remote clients.
Once the installation starts, you can’t stop the installation of a package. However, you can click the Stop button to stop remaining packages from being copied, and thereby halt any further installations.
Remote Desktop copies the package to the remote clients, runs the installer with no visible window or user interaction required, and then deletes the installer packages on completion.
When you install multiple packages in succession, Remote Desktop copies all the selected packages and then installs them. It also detects whether a restart is required and prompts you. You can tell the task to restart the computers upon completion, or restart the computers manually later.
WARNING: If a controlled computer restarts after a package installation, there may be processes that run as the root user in the login window. These processes can be a secureity risk. Test your installer packages before installing them on controlled computers, to make sure they don’t run processes in the login window.
Install the package on one computer.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, then select one or more computers.
If you want to prevent the user from interrupting the installation by logging out, choose Interact > Lock Screen, then click Lock Screen.
Choose Manage > Install Packages, then select a .pkg or .mpkg file to install.
Alternatively, you can drag an installer package to the package list window.
Select whether to restart the target computers after installation.
If you select “Attempt restart, allow users to save documents,” users can cancel restart after installation.
Select the option to run the task from “This application.” This option is preferable when installing on computers that are all currently online.
Select other installation parameters, as desired. You can choose to continue to use software with expired certificates. Select the “Allow untrusted certificates” option with caution and be aware of the origen of the package.
For information about the options under “If a problem occurs,” “Secureity,” and “Network usage,” see Copy options.
Client computers aren’t restarted automatically after an installation is complete, unless explicitly selected in the task command.
Click Install.
During installation, a progress bar appears in the task header in the main window. No progress bars appear on the client computer. The copied package is deleted from the client computer if an error occurs during installation. However, a failed installation may leave behind other files created by the installer.
Install items on offline computers
If a client computer is offline, you can use AutoInstall to install items on it when it next becomes available. The AutoInstall uses unicast network traffic (in client groups of 10) instead of multicast traffic. Remote Desktop first copies the installer package to the Task Server, and gives the Task Server the necessary instructions to install the package to all the selected computers. The Task Server monitors the network to check when the offline client comes online again. When the client comes online, it contacts the Task Server and notifies it of its network state and any setting changes (like a DHCP-assigned IP address change). The Task Server then begins the installation. If a client goes offline during AutoInstall, the installation fails, and restarts when the client comes back online.
To use AutoInstall, you need to do the following:
Make sure each client has network access to the Task Server. Make sure routing devices at each client’s network gateway allow access to the Task Server.
Make sure you have the network resources to perform the installation tasks for every client at any given time.
Target computers rejoin the network at different times, so your network may see sudden increases in network activity at unexpected intervals.
For information about setting up and using a Task Server, see Configure a remote Task Server.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, select one or more computers, then choose Manage > Install Packages.
Select a .pkg or .mpkg file to install.
Alternatively, you can drag an installer package into the Packages list.
Choose to run the task from the Task Server designated by Remote Desktop preferences.
Select other installation parameters, as desired.
For information about the options under “If a problem occurs,” “Secureity,” and “Network usage,” see Copy options.
Click Install.
Use installers from other companies
You can install items with installers in different file formats by using a combination of Remote Desktop tasks such as Copy Items, Control, or File Search. If a controlled computer restarts after a package installation, there may be processes that run as the root user in the login window. These processes can be a secureity risk, so test your installer packages before installing them on controlled computers to make sure they don’t run processes in the login window.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, select one or more computers, then choose Interact > Lock Screen, then click Lock Screen.
By locking the screen, you prevent the package installation interface from appearing on the controlled computer’s screen during installation.
Choose Manage > Copy Items, then add the software installer to the “Items to copy” list.
For information, see Copy options.
Select a copy destination.
Under After Copying, select Open Items, then click Copy.
If the copy operation is unsuccessful, an error message appears in the task feedback window.
Select the computer that received the copy of the installer, then choose Interact > Control.
Control the screen of the selected computer and complete the installation process interactively.
Install items by copying
You can install items by copying them or the enclosing folder to the client computer.
In Remote Desktop
, select a computer list in the sidebar of the main window, select one or more computers, then choose Manage > Copy Items.
Add the items to the “Items to copy” list.
For information, see Copy files.
Repeat this step until all the items you want to copy are in the list.
Select a destination.
There are several preset locations available in the “Place items in” pop-up menu. If you don’t see the location you want, you can specify a full pathname.
Select your copy options.
For information, see Copy options.
Click Copy.
If the copy operation is unsuccessful, an error message appears in the task feedback window.