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Charleston, WV (RLX) SPOT Forecast Request Page
Fire Weather Information
National Fire Weather Page (national forecasts and red flag warnings and watches)
Point and Click Fire Weather Outlooks - Click a zone on the map below for the Fire Weather Zone Forecast:
Area Fire Weather Forecasts
* Charleston, WV (RLX) ...most of West Virginia, southeastern Ohio, northeastern Kentucky, and extreme northwestern Virginia
* Wilmington, OH (ILN) ...central and western Ohio
* Jackson, KY (JKL) ...eastern Kentucky
* Morristown, TN (MRX) ...southwestern Virginia and eastern Tennessee
* Blacksburg, VA (RNK) ...southeastern West Virginia and western Virginia
* Sterling, VA (LWX) ...northeastern West Virginia, western Maryland, and northern Virginia
* Pittsburgh, PA (PBZ) ...east central Ohio, northern West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania
*Point Forecast Matrix (3-hourly weather information for RAWS and selected points)
Red Flag Warnings and Watches (if no warnings are currently in effect, or have not been issued recently, then these pages may show up as empty)
* Charleston, WV (RLX)
* Wilmington, OH (ILN)
* Jackson, KY (JKL)
* Morristown, TN (MRX)
* Blacksburg VA (RNK)
* Sterling, VA (LWX)
* Pittsburgh, PA (PBZ)
Climate Prediction Center Information
* Palmer Drought Index Map
* Latest 6-10 Day Outlook Maps
* Latest 8-14 Day Outlook Maps
* Latest Monthly Outlook Maps
* Seasonal Outlook Maps
Hourly Public Forecasts for Selected RAWS Locations
Rimel |
Other Fire Weather Links
* Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Guidance
* National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC)
* Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC) for states including Ohio and West Virginia
* Southern Area Coordination Center (SACC) for states including Kentucky, and Virginia